Friday, December 31, 2010

My Life being Disabled 31/12/10

Yesterday afternoon I went to Nettos to buy some wine gums, chilli, mushy peas, pringles and some soap. Afterwards I read my book until teatime. This morning I went to the computer room where I downloaded a video about Eddie Waring which was on BBC Iplayer.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Life being Disabled 30/12/10

Yesterday I took paracetamols every 4 hours until 22:00. I went to the residents meeting where we discussed Mulligatawny soup and why it isn't available. One of the skills offered to get 20 tins every week. I said I wanted to go shopping and go to Nash's fish restaurant in Leeds. They said I could go to Leeds on the 10/01/11. The next meeting was on 17/02/11. After the meeting I sent an email to Nash's asking if there were any problems with wheelchair access ?
This morning I had my bladder wash but it was a different one the doctor changed it. After breakfast I went to the computer room where I read the reply from Nash's who told me their Fish restaurant is on the 2nd floor of a listed building and there isn't a lift. I also got a reply from PALS at Sheffield tellling me to forward my complaint to Yorkshire Ambulance Services. I forwarded and got an email telling me that they were dealing.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Life being Disabled 29/12/10

Last night I went to bed at 18:00 because I had a headache. I took some paracetamols and watched the television. I couldn't get rid of it so at 22:00 I had some paracetamols. I couldn't go to sleep and I still had headache. At 02:30 I asked the nurse if I could have some more paracetamols which she gave me and told me to drink plenty of water. Between 02:30 and 04:00 I fell asleep but when the carer came to empty my night bag I woke up again. I fell back to sleep until 07:00. I felt like I had a cold because I was full of snot, my nose was running and I was getting mucus in my throat.
This afternoon there is a residents meeting at 14:00 which I want to discuss mulligatawny soup not available, I want to go to Leeds(Nash's Fish restaurant and shopping).

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Life being Disabled 28/12/10

Yesterday I went in the computer room but I didn't write anything in my blog. In the afternoon I watched television, did my exercises and read my book. This morning the nurse washed my bladder out and I asked when my catheter needs changing. After the carers changed my urine bag and I had my breakfast. I ordered a Boxfresh Balbutient Jacket from Ebay for £17. It should have been £65.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

My Life being Disabled 26/12/10

Yesterday morning I woke up at 06:30 and asked the carer to turn my heating on full. I got up at 08:15 had my breakfast and went back to my room. My youngest son phoned me to wish me a merry xmas and to tell me he was coming at 11:30. One of the carers gave me a book from the home, Michael Caine biography. When my son came he gave me some Thorton's chocolates which were for diabetes. He went at 12:00n because my dinner was being served. I had carrot and corinander soup, Turkey, stuffing balls, carrots, brussel sprouts, parsnips, broccoli, roast potatoes, new potatoes and gravy. I had artic roll after with coffee. My eldest son and my wife came after tea. My son brought me a showe set and a furry hat and my wife brought me some Ferrari after shave. They left after 6 pm and I watched Dr Who.

Friday, December 24, 2010

My Life being Disabled 24/12/10

Yesterday afternoon after tea we were told a group called Bowden were playing in the conference room. They have played here before and one of the group is the daughter of the senior nurse. Their act lasted for 45 minutes and was quite good.

I woke up at 07:00 and asked the carer to turn my heating on full because I was cold.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Life being Disabled 23/12/10

Yesterday morning after my breakfast I went back to my room, 36, because I had an appointment at the Mobility & Specialised Rehabilitation Centre at the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield. It was to check the moulded seat cast. The appointment was for 14:00 but the letter said to be ready at 11:00. I started reading the third book of Steig Larson's Milleniuem Triology. I went for dinner at 12:15 and my transport came at 13:05. The driver couldn't take me because her vehicle hasn't any wheelclamps. She contacted her control who told her there was no vehicle available. I went back to my temporily room and at 14:10 I was told we had a singer coming to entertain us. She was called Leanne and she did two acts. The first part was her normal singing act and the second was her tribute act to Lady Gaga.
After tea I went to my room because I was told it was ready but my Sky wasn't plugged in. I got a carer to plug my Sky in and I watch the television all night.
This morning I woke at 05:30 and I asked a carer if she would turn my heating on full. Later on after I had a shower I asked my carer if she could go to Nettos for some shaving gel, mouthwash, ginger buscuits and rich tea biscuits. I sent an email to PALS in Sheffield complaining about the waste of NHS resources.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Life being Disabled 21/12/10

I got a letter yesterday asking me to ring the hospital about my teeth. I gave it to the nurse who told me I've got go on 19/01/11 at 10:45 to have a pre-op check and an operation on the 21/01/12 at 08:00. Later on, before teatime I had to move rooms because the carpet fitter were coming to put in a new carpet. I moved to 36 further down the corridor but I didn't have my sky or my DVD player. I was weighed last night 96.1 kgms but this morning I was weighed again 94.5 ?
It was very cold last night and I kept my heating on low but at 06:30 I asked my carer to turn my heating on full. I looked at the weather forecast for today in Barnsley and the day time temperature is -6'C.
When the nurse gave me a bladder wash I asked her if my catheter is due for changing ? She said she will check in their diary.

Monday, December 20, 2010

My Life being Disabled 20/12/10

Yesterday for tea I cooked a pizza, chicken and chiili. In the evening I watched Sports Personality of the year and the final of The Apprentice. At 05:15 I woke up because it was cold and I asked a carer if she would turn my heating on. I had my blood/sugar level taken which was 8.1.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

My Life being Disabled 19/12/10

Yesterday afternoon after I did my exercises I continued reading my book until it was teatime. I asked the carers if I could cook a pizza for tea today.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Life being Disabled 18/12/10

This morning I noticed I had run out of razor blades for my Fushion. After my breakfast I went to the computer room and order some razor blades from Amazon. I sent another email to the solictors who are dealing with my will. I told them that I had emailed them earlier informing them that the draft will requires 2 amendments but they have not replied.

Friday, December 17, 2010

My Life being Disabled 17/12/10

On Wednesday afternoon my carer went to Nettos but they had no shaving gel. On Thursday morning I stayed in my room because I had an appointment for Pindersfield Hospital in Wakefield for 15:00. I read my book by Stiegg Larson "The Girl who played with Fire" while I waited for my transport. I had my dinner and the transport came at 14:10. We arrived at Pinderfields at 14:50 and saw the doctor at 15:30. It takes about 15 minutes to fill my Baclofen pump up. I was ready to go home at 15:30 but my transport came at 16:00. One of the patients who was ready to home when I arrived was still waiting when I lefted.
When I got home at 17:10 I went to the dining room and my tea, two pork pies and mushy peas. This morning I asked my carer to change my catheter bag because I had a knee bag yesterday when I went out which is 1500 millilitres. When I came to the computer room one of the life skills brought my new glasses.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Life being Disabled 15/12/10

Yesterday afternoon I did my exercises, had a coffee and watch a film on telly. I asked a carer to ask the life skills if I could cook a Vindaloo. They told me yes but it'll be after Xmas. My carer asked me this morning if I wanted anything from Netto's because the weather forecast says it's going to snow. She is going this afternoon and I told her I wanted some Q tips, shaving gel, wine gums and three packets of ginger biscuits. My eldest son texted me to see if I was O.K. and to ask me what I wanted for Xmas. I told him I didn't want anything.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Life being Disabled 14/12/10

Yesterday morning my blood/sugar level was 8.3. At 10:40 we went out to our mini-bus because a lot of resident were going to Priory Campus to have our Xmas lunch. I was on the first run and we had another mini-bus as well. We got there at 11:10 and sat in the foyer while other residents came. Roundabout 12:00 we went in the community hall to get our places for lunch. I think that the mini-buses had to make 5 trips to get all the residents there.
At 13:15 our Xmas lunch was served, turkey, roast potatoes, carrots, brussel sprouts and seasoning. A big plate full which I eat it all. We were served with Xmas pudding and coffee. Afterwards we played bingo and had a karaoke. Because I was one of the first to arrive I was one of the first to go home. I got back at 15:00 and had a coffee.
Later on I got two Xmas cards one from my wife and one from my sister. I also got a letter to tell me I have got an appointment to measure me for a new moulded seat at 14:00 on 22/12/10 and I must be ready at 11:00. The nurse on nights ask me to review my Care plan and let her know if I want to change anything.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Life being Disabled 12/10/12

Yesterday afternoon I didn't go to the Xmas Fair but I heard this morning it wasn't attended very well. I checked my bank account this morning and it was unavailable.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My Life being Disabled 11/12/10

This morning when I looked out of the window all the snow had melted. I checked my bank account and saw it was still unavailable. This afternoon it is the Christmas Fair and dinner will be served at 12:00.

Friday, December 10, 2010

My Life being Disabled 10/12/10

Yesterday afternoon at 14:00 I had a review meeting under the guidelines of NHS Continuing Healthcare see with a nurse from the NHS Care Homes, my Social worker, the manager, a nurse and the senior carer from this nursing home. They discussed my 'performance' over the past year and what they felt I should be doing next year.....same this year. The meeting finished at 15:30

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Life being Disabled 09/12/10

Yesterday I put on a large catheter bag and my thermal underwear because I was going to The Alhambra in Bradford to see Hairspray. After breakfast I went to my room to put my hoodie on but I'd forgot that the zip was broken so I threw it away. Instead I put on my fleece. There were 5 residents going with 3 from my unit. We set off at 11:00, it was the first time I had been out in the snow. Our car park had been cleared but Elizabeth Street was covered with packed snow. Going through Grimethorpe the roads were clear but the footpaths weren't. We went through Barnsley to get to the M1. Around junction 40 I noticed that the snow wasn't as deep. We turned off onto the M62 and then onto M606 to get to Bradford. We arrived at the Alhambra at 12:10.
We went to a public house named Sir Titus Salt(Wetherspoons) which use to be The Bradford baths which was built in 1905. We ordered our food and bought a drink but the waiter told us our food won't be ready until 13:15. It was busy because of the matinee show and there were a lot of students as well. I ordered Chilli-con-Carne and large Lattee and mined arrived at 13:20 but some of the others didn't arrive until 13:35. Although we had rushed our meals we went in the Alhambra at 13:50 and we got in our places by 14:00.

Hairspray was a good musical but it didn't have a good story. Actors I recognised were Michael Starke who played Sinbad in Brookeside and Monkees star Mickey Donlanz. It lasted until 16:45 and we got into our bus by 17:00. We got home at 19:10 and we were all tired.
I had some Mullitawny soup and a coffee for tea. For the rest of the evening I watched television.

I woke up at 05:30 and asked my carer put my heating on. I must have fallen asleep again because I woke up at 08:15 when my alarm went off. I had my bladder wash, changed my catheter bag and went in the shower.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Life being Disabled 07/12/10

Yesterday evening at 18:00 I went to bed because my catheter was by-passing. That was a mistake because I had headache and although I took paracetomals I did not get to sleep until 04:15. This morning it's dry and the snow is melting but it is still cold. One of the Skills reminded me that we're going to The Alambra in Bradford tomorrow. I've got to be ready at 11:00. see

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Life being Disabled 06/12/10

Yesterday teatime I had Chilli-con-Carne which I made in the Therapy kitchen. This morning I woke up when a carer came to empty my night bag at 05:15. I asked him to turn my heating on. When I went into the dining room and looked out of the window I noticed it was still freezing. I had my breakfast, Weetabix, and went to the computer room. The nurse gave me my pills but she didn't take my blood/sugar level. She's supposed to take this every Monday before I have eaten. My Santander account is still unavailable since last Monday because the fraund department are investgating why my account had £10 taken from it. If I see anybody from skills I'm going to ask if I can make some more Vindaloo.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Life being Disabled 05/12/10

Yesterday afternoon I asked the carers to take a Chlli-con-Carne out of the freezer in the Therapy Kitchen because I want it for my lunch today. I woke up at 05:10 this morning and asked the carers to put my heating on. I buzzed for them at 08:15 to get up but they couldn't find my key. The night staff must have taken it home. They got the master key and opened my door. At breakfast I asked if my Chilli-con-Carne had been taken out from the freezer, a carer looked and she took it out.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Life being Disabled 04/12/10

Yesterday I bought the new Bradford Bulls away shirt. My brother and his wife, Karen, came in the afternoon from High Wycombe. They said the snow in High Wycombe was only 1 inch but their travelling was easy because there wasn't much traffic. They are going to Leeds because they have an apartment in the City centre. This morning the snow is melting though it looks quite cold.

Friday, December 3, 2010

My Life being Disabled 03/12/10

Yesterday afternoon my brother phoned, who lives near London, to ask what the weather was like. He's going to come up tomorrow to see me. I told him we had about 12" of snow and as far as I could tell our village was cut off. He said he'll phone today before he sets off. I began reading the second book of Stieg Larsson's Millenium Trilogy "The Girl who played with Fire".
This morning it was very cold and when I watched the television it said overnight temperatures dropped to -20'C in some places. When I got up I had my haircut, I have cut every Friday and my carers cut it, we agreed this in my Care Plan. When I looked out of the dining room window it was sunny but the icicles were about 1 metre long.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Life being Disabled 02/12/10

Yesterday afternoon I was supposed to have a Review Meeting with NHS but their representative didn't turn up. I finished my book 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' by Stieg Larsson. This mornin when I got up it was snowing again and many of the nurses and carers had stayed over night. I finished changing my passwords on my computer.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Life being Disabled 01/12/10

Yesterday I checked my bank account with Santander but it was not available. This morning I woke up at 02:30 because I was too warm. I asked my carer if my heating was on and he said it was so I asked to turn it off. I woke up again at 05:30 because I was too cold and I asked my carer to turn my heating on. I called my carer at 08:15 to get up but she told me because of all the snow there were only 3 carers at work so it might be a while. I got up at 08:35 and went for my breakfast at 09:30. When I looked out of the window there was, at least, 1 foot of snow. I went to the computer room to change my passwords. I checked my Santander account and it was still unavailable.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Life being Disabled 30/11/10

Yesterday afternoon my Social worker phoned me to clarify that we are having a review meeting at 14:00 on 09/12/10. Last night before I went to bed it was snowing and laying. This morning I woke up at 06:00 and asked my carer to put on the heating in my room. He said he put it on when he emptied my night bag at 04:30. At 08:15 I called for a carer and asked for the nurse to wash my bladder out. I have to wash my bladder out because I use a catheter and my bladder get crystals in and blocks my catheter. At breakfast one of the lifeskills co-ordinators ask me if I wanted to go to The Priory Campus ( I said I wanted to go. When I checked my Santander account it said it was unavailable.

Monday, November 29, 2010

My Life being Disabled 29/11/10

This morning I awoke at 05:00 to ask the carers to put my heating on. I watched television until I fell asleep again. When I got up and had a shower, it was freezing in the bathroom, I went to the dining room where the nurse took my blood/sugar level. It was 7.3 and I noticed it was snowing and it had laid. One of the carers told me the temperature was 1'C outside. After breakfast I went to the computer room and noticed somebody had taken £10 out of my bank account. I phoned Santander and explained to the Customer Service receptionist what had happened. She told me that someone did this at Barnsley on Saturday. I was put through to the Fraud Department to investigate further. The block my account and I asked about my mobile cost, which was £12.95. They put me back to thr customer service and they put £10 into my account.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Life being Disabled 28/11/10

Yesterday afternoon because it was a resident's birthday we had a local group in who sang their own songs. There were 6 members, drums, keyboard, 3 guitars and a singer. One of the group was the daughter of our head nurse. This morning at 04:00 because it was very cold and I asked a carer if they could put my heating on. On the news it was reported that in Newcastle the temperature was -17'C overnight.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

My Life being Disabled 27/11/`10

Yesterday morning I went to the Opticians to have my eyes tested. I had them tested 6 months ago when I was told I had diabetes but the Optician told to come back in November. He tested my eyes and compared them with the results from 6 months ago. He said they were very different and now he prescribed some different glasses. He said my reading glasses were a bit strong but I didn't have to change them. I picked a new pair of glasses which cost £24 because I have the benefit of having free prescriptions, free dental care, free sight test, vouchers to reduce the price of glasses and free wigs but you have to apply every year using HC1 form (Health Costs).

Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Life being Disabled 25/11/10

Yesterday afternoon I made 5 portions of Chilli-con-Carne. I usually make 4 but because I had some left I gave the carers a dish full. They thought it was very good and I had one for my tea.
This morning I had my bladder wash before I had a shower, got dressed and went to the dining room for my breakfast. After breakfast I went to the computer room where I finished my list of Rugby League fixtures that I wanted to go to next year. I asked a carer to take it to the Skills. Later on, one of the Skills came to see me to tell me that they were busy on two dates but the rest were O.K.. These were Hull FC 08/04/11
Bradford 21/04/11
Hull KR 15/05/11
Bradford 12/06/11
Leeds 24/06/11
Castleford 10/07/11
Wigan 19/08/11
Warrington 31/07/11
Manchester 08/10/11

The nurse came to see me to remind me that I have an appointment tomorrow with Moorhouse Opticians in Cudworth and we'll have to set off at 10:30.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Life being Disabled 24/11/10

Yesterday morning I went to Morrisons to buy the ingredients for Chilli-con-Carne, some pizzas chocolate and some wine gums. We came home at 14:00 and I had lunch. This morning I woke at 05:30 and asked the carers if they could put my heating on because it was very cold. After my breakfast I finished the list of Rugby League fixtures I want to go to next year (11). I started changing my passwords because I got a warning that somebody was trying to use my profile.

Monday, November 22, 2010

My Life being Disabled 22/11/10

This morning I asked a carer to check with Skills if they had me booked in to make some more Chilli-con-Carne. My blood/sugar level was 8.3. When I went on the internet I got an email from Bradford Bulls telling me their fixture list for next year. I intend to book some dates so I can go to see them. The nurse told me I've got an appointment with the optician on Friday 26/11/10 at 11:00. Somedody from Skills told me I can make some Chilli-con-Carne on Wednesday afternoon and we're going to Morrisons tomorrow afternoon

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Life being Disabled 21/11/10

Yesterday afternoon I told the carers that I wanted my last Chicken Jalfrezi for tea today and it was frozen in the resident's therapy kitchen. I asked them to take it out to defrost. This morning I checked that it was defrosted but the carers couldn't find it. I was weighed this morning and my weight was 93.6 kgs, 14 st 10 lbs. For tea I decided to have only ice-cream.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Life being Disabled 20/11/10

Yesterday afternoon I asked the nurse if I could have an appointment to see the opticians. The last time I went the optician told to come back in 6 months time when my blood/sugar levels were stable. I had just been diagnosed of diabetes. I asked the nurse when my weight is taken she said on the 24th of the month. This morning one of the carers told me that before this nursing home was built the pit manager lived here. He was called Lockwood.

Friday, November 19, 2010

My Life being Disabled 19/11/10

Yesterday afternoon Johnathan, a singer, came to entertain us. He was quite good and he sang songs from the 60's. I recieved my three books from Amazon they were all from the writer Stieg Larsson.
This morning I asked a carer to ask the skills if I could cook some more Chilli-con-Carne.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Life being Disabled 18/11/10

Yesterday afternoon my eldest son came to visit me. He is the manager of Havana Bar, Club and Lounge, in Wakefield ( ). We watched Australia lose to New Zealand.
This morning I emailed TOTALLYfreewills in reply to a letter they sent with my will asking me to read and sign it. I read it found two mistakes. I read an email telling me that the Bradford Bulls new shirts are out on Saturday 11/12/10 and I am going to buy the away shirt which is purple.
This afternoon 'Johnathan' is going to entertain us, I think he is a singer. Next week 'Bedlem' is going to entertain us.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Life being Disabled 17/11/10

Yesterday afternoon I did my exercises and watched a film on television. This morning I answered several emails from Facebook requesting me to be friends.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Life being Disabled 16/11/10

Yesterday I got a reply from PALS at Barnsley saying that they were still dealing with my complaint. This morning I answered several emails from Facebook asking me to be friends. I read that the Bulls' new half back Marc Herbert arrives this Thursday from Canberra Raiders.

Monday, November 15, 2010

My Life being Disabled 15/11/10

Yesterday teatime I had one of my Chicken Jalfrezi's. Last night the nurse gave me two sennas.
This morning my blood/sugar level was 7.8. When I went to the computer room I ordered 3 books by Stieg Larson titled "The Girl with the Dragon tattoo", "The Girl who kicked the hornets nest" and "The Girl who played with fire". I sent another email to PALS at Barnsley about my complaint on the 27/08/10 where the NHS wasted my time and their resources by giving an appointment to have my teeth X-rayed but when I got there they didn't have a hoist to transfer me into a chair on the X-ray machine.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Life being Disabled 14/11/10

On Friday afternoon I went to Nettos and bought some shower gel, mouthwash, kitkats, some dark chocolate and wine gums. At 14:00 we had a residents meetings and from this I got Xmas fair on 11/12/10 13:00 and date of the next meeting 22/12/10 14:00. Yesterday afternoon I went to the Xscape to see SAW 3D. We set off at 13:30 because the movie started at 14:30 and some other residents were going to a Chinese restaurant. We got to Cineworld at 14:20, paid £9.10 to get in and paid £0.80 to buy 3D glasses. The movie was very good but the 3D effects were not. My carer had to pay as well because my Cinema Exhibitors Association card had run out and the skills people had not sent for a new one. The CEA card costs £5.50 per year and allows my carer to get in the pictures free. It was very busy at Xscape and we got home at 17:00. Last night the nurse gave me one Senna ?

Friday, November 12, 2010

My Life being Disabled 12/11/11

Yesterday lunchtime we had Fish and Chips from Woody's in Barnsley. I enjoyed them because I had Haddock fillet and proper chips. I did my exercises and watched SAW 6. Last night the nurse gave me two sennas and before I got up my bowels opened. After breakfast I went to the computer room and sorted my email. I got a letter, this morning, from totallyFREEwills with my will for me and two witnesses to sign. I asked a carer if I could go to Nettos to get some mouthwash and some shower gel.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Life being Disabled 11/11/11

Yesterday afternoon after my exercises I watched SAW 4. In the evening before The Apprentice I started watching SAW 5. This morning I had my bladder wash before I was put on the toilet. Again nothing but I've got an appointment with the doctor to find out whether what Sennas do and should I take one or two. I saw the physio, this morning, we agreed that I've lost 2 stone and my wheelchair doesn't fit me anymore so he's going tell wheelchairs services at Sheffield. At lunch we're having Fish, Chips and Mushy peas from Woody's in Barnsley.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Life being Disabled 10/11/10

Yesterday afternoon after I did my exercises, which takes me 1 hour, I watched SAW 3. This morning after breakfast I updated my Facebook and wrote my blog(blogger:my life being disabled).

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Life being Disabled 09/11/10

Yesterday afternoon I got the DVDs that I had ordered from Amazon and a letter from Pinderfields hospital telling me I've got an appointment on 16/12/10 at 15:00 for my Baclofin pump filling up. Later we had a quiz then I watched SAW 2. In the evening the nurse told me I couldn't have two senna because I was prescribed one.
This morning I was sat on the toilet, as usual, nothing happened so I asked the nurse if I could see the doctor. I checked on the times of SAW 7 and at Castleford on Saturday 13/11/10 it is 14:30.

Monday, November 8, 2010

My Life being Disabled 08/11/10

Yesterday afternoon I went to Nettos and bought some Naan bread, Kitkats, wine gums and some chilli. I plan to have the chilli today for tea.
This morning my blood/sugar levels were 8.9 and I asked the nurse to increase my sennas to two every night because I only got one last night. I told Skills that I wanted Haddock on Thursday when we have a British day.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Life being Disabled 07/11/10

Yesterday at 04:30 I watched England beat Papua New Guinea 36 - 10. The quote of the year was when Luke Robinson dislocated his elbow "I tried putting it back on pitch but it wouldn't go in so I had to come off". Afterwards I watched New Zealand lose to Australia 20 - 34. Last night the nurse didn't give me any Sennas, the night before I got two and the night before I got one? This morning I asked the nurse what the doctor had prescribe me which was two pills at night before I go to bed. For tea I'm having one of my Chicken Jalfrezis and a Naan bread which I'm going to get from Nettos this afternoon. I've asked a carer to put an entry in the diary the my splint is causing some problems because the straps are coming loose. I'm worried that this government are going to reduce my benefits because on the news I've seen stories about unemployed people have to "work" for no pay but it does not say whether this covers disabled people as well !

Friday, November 5, 2010

My Life being Disabled 05/11/10

Yesterday I stayed in bed because I had stomach ache. I decided to eat no food and drink water. I watch the television all day and most of the night. I didn't sleep much last night. Since I changed from Movicol to Senna, to form my stools correctly, I get stomach a lot.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Life being Disabled 03/11/10

Yesterday afternoon I saw the Life Skills people and we agreed that I could change the date to see Hairspray to 08/12/10. I could go to the cinema to see SAW 7 on the 13/11/10. I can go to Dorbren House for lunch tomorrow. I have ordered my fish, chips and mushy peas for 11/11/10.
This morning because I have bought the DVDs for SAW 1 - 6 and are going to watch SAW 7 in 3D I researched what the theme was.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Life being Disabled 02/11/10

At lunchtime yesterday I asked to talk with the Life Skills people because I'd got a letter from the NHS Care Homes Department asking to attend a review meeting at 14:30 on the 01/12/10 but I'd arranged to go to see Hairspray that day. I also wanted to ask if I could go to see the movie "SAW 7" which is 3D and I wanted to go to Dorbren House for lunch on 04/11/10. Also on 11/11/10 I would like Fish & Chips. In the afternoon I attended my physio who worked on my right hand in hot water. In the evening my nurse ask me to review my Care Plan which I did and provided an update.
This morning I asked the carers if they will ask the Life Skills to see me. I bought the SAW 1-6 DVDs on Amazon.

Monday, November 1, 2010

My Life being Disabled 01/11/10

On Saturday morning I watched New Zealand beat Papua New Guinea in bed because it started at 07:00. I got up 09:30 sat on the toilet etc....and watched television. In the afternoon I made some Chicken Jalfrezi. I made 3 portions and ate one for tea.
On Sunday morning I watched Australia beat England in bed because it started at 07:00 and the clocks had gone back. In the afternoon I went to Nettos to buy some wine gums, shower gel, pitta bread and chilli. For tea I had chilli which was very hot.
This morning I had my blood/sugar level taken and it was 7.6. In the computer room I opened a savings account.

Friday, October 29, 2010

My Life being Disabled 29/10/10

This morning I got out of bed, hoisted to my toilet, sat on it for 30 minutes where nothing happened, cleaned my teeth and shaved. I had my hair cut(Friday) and went to the bathroom where I had a shower. After about 30 minutes I went back to my bedroom where I got dressed. I went to the dining room where I had bran flakes and a cup of coffee. When I had taken my medicine 8 pills I went to the computer room. I checked my emails one of them told me I could sign on to membersnet,which is a Labour party social web based computer tool. I logged on and view the help files and tried to changed my password but I couldn't.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Life being Disabled 28/10/10

Yesterday morning I went to Asda, Wakefield to buy the ingrediants for the Chicken Jalfrezi which I was going to cook today but the Mayor is coming so I am going to cook on Saturday. The Mayor is judging our Haloween contest where each unit has put a halloween theme on their dining room wall. At Asda I also bought some Pajamas, dark chocolate and a Chicken Jalfrezi ready meal which I'm having this dinner.
Yesterday Afternoon I had a session with the physio who exercised my right arm in hot water. He told me to look up Neuroplasticity which means the brains capability to connect nerves that have been damaged to new brain cells. I got a letter from the Co-op bank encouragement me to support they campaign with WWF-UK to combat Toxic Fuels. I sent an email to my MP.
This afternoon after I did my exercises I went to the training room to met the Mayor who judged the halloween walls. My unit Darbyshire won and we played bingo and had a quiz.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Life being Disabled 26/10/10

Yesterday afternoon I went to Nettos where I bought some chilli, mushy peas, shower gel, chocolate biscuits and some dark chocolate. I had some of the dark chocolate in the evening because later on my bowels opened.The nurse on nights forgot to give my anti-biotics and my senna ? This morning I reminded the nurse to take my blood/sugar levels which was 7.9. I asked my carer if she would ask the skills people if I can see what spices are in the therapy kitchen before we to Adsa in the morning.

Monday, October 25, 2010

My Life being Disabled 25/10/10

Last night I watched Australia beat Papua New Guinea easily. I had stomach ache again so when I went to bed I asked for some paracetamols and some gaviston. This morning I asked the nurse if I could see the doctor about my stomach and whether I should continue taking senna for my bowels. She told me I could see my GP on Thursday

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Life being Disabled 24/10/10

On Thursday afternoon we had an enterainer called Damion. He was a singer and played a guitar but the songs were very old. He sang/played songs from the late 50s or early 60s. On Thursday evening, when I got ready for bed my catheter bag/urine bag was red(blood). My carers called the nurse and she decided to change my catheter. My urine was O.K. and I went to sleep. I woke up because my nurse was checking my catheter bag and found it was red again. She changed catheter again and I went sleep. I woke up again at 06:00 when my carers were checking my bag again which was red again. The nurse phoned my GP who called an ambulance. I got ready to go to hospital and my carers decided to weigh me 92.6 kgs. The ambulance came at 07:30. I arrived at Barnsley General hospital in the Accident and Emergency Department at 08:00. They made some tests including blood tests and decided that I have an infection. During this time one of the carers came to help me. I got some anti-biotics and got patient transport home.
On Saturday I watched New Zealand beat England. I got a HP Laserjet Flatbed Scanner Optical Assemby RG-5 6263 L which I bid for on Ebayand won for £5. After I realised that I didn't want it. On Sunday I put the scanner part back on Ebay because I could sell it free. This afternoon we had a quiz and I scored 17/30.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Life being Disabled 21/10/10

Yesterday evening I watched one of the life skills on television appearing on Dine with me. He is gay and he appeared as Lady Barcadi. He scored the lowest this week. This morning I asked my carers when my floor in my bathroom is going to be fixed ? I was told there is a problem in all en-suite bathrooms which can't be fixed because it's a design problem. I also asked about my bed which is still waiting for a part. I also asked about my pump for my air filled mattress which is vibrating and was told the carers will put a towel behind tonight. This afternoon we have some entertainment called Damion who's a singer.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Life being Disabled 20/10/10

Yesterday afternoon I sorted out my bedroom cabinet and found some photos that I got when my Mum died. I thought about transferring them onto my computer but when I looked at the price of scanners I decided to left it. The basic price is about £57.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Life being Disabled 19/10/10

Last night I watch one of the Skills people on television in Come dine with me. This morning when I got I went to the toilet and nothing happened but I'm sure I didn't get my senna last night. After cleaning teeth and having a shave I taken to the communal bathroom to have a shower. After breakfast I asked my carer if Skills could take to Asda at Pugneys. I went to the computer room and check my email. I had recieved a email from a solicitor working for Totallyfreewills who ask me what I wanted to give Leeds University in my will. I told them I wanted to give my body for medical reseach.

Monday, October 18, 2010

My Life being Disabled 18/10/10

I cooked haddock, chips and mushy peas for tea yesterday. I told Skills that I'd booked my ticket to the Superleague Grand Final at Old Trafford on 08/10/11 at 18:00. I also asked if they could contact the Rugby League to discuss disabled parking at Old Trafford. My blood sugar level was 7.3 this morning but I'd just eaten weetabix for breakfast. It should be 4 before I have eaten. I asked my carer if they could straighten my footrest on my wheelchair. They couldn't but they asked the physio and he straighten them. He also said he would like me to do some exercises in water after lunch. At 14:45 I went to the physio's room where he filled a bowl of water at 45 degrees and with his assistant we did some exercises. He also asked me to describe what I was feeling. I said I could feel something but I couldn't describe it although I could describe when she massage my fingers.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Life being Disabled 17/10/10

Yesterday afternoon I watched television after doing 1 hour of excercises. Last night I suffered stomach ache again after taking two pills of senna. I informed my nurse who gave me two paracetamols and some gavinscon.
This morning I agreed with my nurse that she will reduce senna to one pill and see what happens tonight. This afternoon I want to go to Nettos.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Life being Disabled 16/10/10

On Thursday I read an email from the Rugby League informing that you could obtain ticket for next's Grand Final with 20% discount so I ordered mine but when I asked for a parking space I was told they needed prove that I/the home had a Blue Badge.
Yesterday I went to Exemplarhc headquaters in Rotherham to be presented my certificate from City and Guilds for obtaining a pass in "Self Developing" and "Environment Awareness".
We set off at 12:15 because we had to arrive before 13:00. We had a buffet lunch followed by speeches from the Lord Mayor, Exemplarhc Directors and our tutor. There were 8 students that passed the course and each one got certificate from City and Guilds and a trophy from Exemplarhc. We presented flowers to our tutor and got some cake and coffee.
I went to bed at 19:00 because I was tired.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Life being Disabled 14/10/10

Yesterday at 14:45 I and another resident went to Barnsley hospital to take some clothes to another resident. Afterwards we went Bradford to eat Mumtaz restaurant. We found it using Sat Nav and the postcode BD7 3HS. We arrived at BD7 3HS but that was in a car park ? Looking around we found Mumtaz in the main road about 200 yards down. We found the car park but didn't use the disabled space because our mini-bus was too big. The restaurant was over the road and it's disabled entrance was a joke. The slope to the door was about 30 degrees and the was very bumpy. We went in the restaurant and sat at the table nearest the disabled door. I ordered a type of hot fried chicken and a naan. It arrived after 15 minutes and was delicious. Everybody enjoyed their meals and our carers visited the shop where you could buy cashmere socks at £600 or scarves at £3000. One of our cares bought a gift box of spices. We got home at 20:00.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Life being Disabled 13/10/10

This morning about 03:00 I called nurse because I stomach ache. It started when I went bed. She gave some paracetemols and some pink stuff which I drunk. I feel asleep and woke up at 07:45. But my stomach felt full so I told the nurse who said she would tell the doctor whose coming tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Life being Disabled 12/10/10

Last night my youngest son came with his girlfriend. They live in Wakefield city centre. This morning when I checked my Email I found I'd got a reply from membernet.labour to ask me what error message I get when I try to log in......Your account is not yet active......This afternoon the Chiropodist came and cut my toenails. I got my Joop when the postman came.

Monday, October 11, 2010

My Life being Disabled 11/10/10

This morning when I got up I didn't go on the toilet I went to clean my teeth and have a shave. After that I went to the communal bathroom to get a shower. Before breakfast I had my blood/sugar levels taken which was 7.6. After breakfast I went to the computer room and ordered some Joop aftershave from Ebay. I tried to log on to membersnet(labour party) but I couldn't so I sent an email to the Labour party.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My Life being Disabled 10/10/10

Yesterday afternoon I went to Nettos to buy some biscuits, wine gums and some toffee crisps. This morning I joined the Mailing Preference Service to stop all the junk mail I receive as part of my environment friendly scheme. I continued with preparing my will.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Life being Disabled 09/10/10

On Thursday afternoon I went to the resident's meeting at 14:00. I raised my issue about the comments book on Derbyshire that is now under the control of the nurse. I raised another issue with Mulligatawny soup, there isn't any. The chef said he can't get it from the suppliers so he has to go to the shops and buy it. We discussed the Therepy kitchen and agreed we should have list when we can cook a meal and carers can help where we want to heat a meal. I told the skills people that the Rugby League Heritage Centre was closed until next year so can I go to Mumtaz in Bradford on the 16/10. This was changed to 13/10 because there was no driver on the 16/10. The Xmas fair is on 11/12 and the date of the next meeting is on 18/11.
Later I went out for a meal at Chilli's in Barnsley. I had Onion Barje, Chicken Jalfrezi and a Garlic Naan. I enjoyed it and my meal cost £15. We got home at 18:00.
On Friday I stayed in my room and watched some movies that I had on my Sky plus.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Life being Disabled 07/10/10

This morning I went on the toilet to see if my bowels opened but they didn't after 30 minutes. After cleaning my teeth and shaving in my bathroom I have to go to the big bathroom down the corridor because mine is leaking water on my carpet. After breakfast I went in the computer room where I work on my will. It is my birthday today and my wife phoned to wish me happy birthday she said she will come after work but I said I'm going out for an Indian at tea time.
Then my eldest son rang to say he was coming this afternoon.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Life being Disabled 06/10/10

Yesterday afternoon the physio gave my right hand in hot water some excercises for 10 minutes. I got up this morning and sat on the toilet but nothing happened. After breakfast I went to the computer room and continued with writting my will. As the Rugby League Heritage Centre is closed on 16/10/10 I'm going to ask Skills if I could go to Mumtaz in Bradford.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Life being Disabled 05/10/10

Last night my nurse gave me two tablets instead of Movicol to treat my incotinence. She said my bowels should open in the morning when I get up and sit on the toilet. It didn't work after 30 minutes. This morning she took my blood/sugar it was 6.2.
I checked on the web to see if the RL Heritage Centre would be open on the 16th October and it's not.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Life being Disabled 04/10/10

On Saturday afternoon I went Old Trafford to see the final of the Super League it was Wigan v St Helens. I wanted Wigan to win because they had won the minor(league) champions. We got to Old Trafford early because the traffic was light at 15:30. We had a look outside and I had big hot dog which cost me £4. We went in the disabled entrance and went to the disabled cafe. I had a cup of coffee while we watched Manchester United play Sunderland. Afterwards we went to our places which No.1 because I ordered these in January. It was a good match where Wigan beat St Helens 22-10. We got home at 23:00.
On Sunday I stayed in bed because I was watching St George Illawarra beat Sydney Roosters 32-8 in the Australian Cup Final. At tea time I had one of my Vindaloos.

Friday, October 1, 2010

My Life being Disabled 01/10/10

Yesterday afternoon I went to Nettos and bought two packets of Wine gums for Saturday on my visit to Old Trafford. I asked if I could cook my own fish in the therapy kitchen but there isn't any Skills available so I asked if the kitchen staff could cook my fish. But the kitchen staff told me this isn't allowed but last week it was allowed !
This morning I emailed my youngest son again because I wanted his address for my will using 'totallyfreewills '.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Life being Disabled 30/09/10

Yesterday afternoon I telephoned Barnsley Magistrates Court to ask for an application form to be a magistrate. I was informed that they were not recruiting until next year. I would like to go to Nettos this afternoon to buy some wine gums for Saturday.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Life being Disabled 29/09/10

I was weighed, this morning, which was 90.6 kgs. I was told I was running out of boxers and jogging trousers so I ordered some more from M & S online.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Life being Disabled 28/09/10

Yesterday I reviewed my Care plan but my nurse didn't review it. This morning I tried to progress my application to become a magistrate online but failed so I will phone them instead. I'm going to ask the nurse if she will witness my consent to donate my body after my death to Leeds University for Anatomical Examination, Education or Training relating to Human Health or Research in connection with Disorders or the Functioning of the Human Body

Monday, September 27, 2010

My Life being Disabled 27/09/10

Yesterday I watched York beat Oldham in the final play-off in league 1. Hunslet are ready through because they won the league. Afterwards Featherstone beat Halifax in the Championship, during the first half there was a fire under the stand. It was nearly a hour before play was resumed.
This morning my blood/sugar level was 7.7. I continued composing my will with totallyfreewills.
I tried to find the address of the Local Advisory Commitee but the web site failed.
This afternoon I'm going to review my Care plan.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Life being Disabled 26/09/10

I had Chicken Vindaloo for tea yesterday and it was hot. Afterwards I watched Wigan beat Leeds. Next Saturday I'm going to watch St Helens v Wigan at Old Trafford.
This afternoon I'm going to watch Oldham v York and Featherstone v Halifax on Sky.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Life being Disabled 25/09/10

Yesterday I went to Adsa to get my ingrediants for my Vindaloo. When I got home I roasted the spices and marinated the chicken which was left overnight. Last night I watched St Helens beat Huddersfield in the first semi-final of Super League play-offs. This afternoon I'm going to cook the chicken and the sauce.

Friday, September 24, 2010

My Life being Disabled 24/09/10

Last Thursday I went to Barnsley hospital to get my teeth X-rayed, my appointment was at 09:00. I got up at 06:00, showered etc., had my breakfast and my patient transport came at 08:30. It was a new vehicle but my electric wheelchair didn't fit. They told their control who sent another vehicle. I arrived at hospital late and was taken to the X-ray department. Firstly I was suppose to be transferred to another wheelchair but the carers forgot to take my belt off. Eventually I was transferred into a normal wheelchair but with a low down back and one of the carers pushing my head so I fit in the X-ray machine.
I saw my consultant who said I needs, at least, five extractions which will be done in Hallam hospital. They will inform me. I got home at 11:00. At 11:30 I went to the computer room but the internet was down.
That night I went to the Labour Party Special Meeting at Grimethorpe Working Men's Club but I couldn't get in because it was on the 1st floor. Later on, I complained to Michael Dugher, MP. I received a reply telling me they won't use that venue again.
On Monday 20/09/10 the lift broke down and I wanted to go to Nettos. It was mended on Thursday.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Life being Disabled 15/09/10

I went to Nettos yesterday afternoon. This morning I emailed Barnsley council complaining about the pavement outside my home being blocked by vans.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Life being Disabled 14/09/10

My blood/sugar was 7.2 but it was taken during my dinner.I didn't go to Nettos yesterday but I want to go this afternoon. Instead I had some physio who tried new treatment for my hand. They heated water in a basin to 45 degrees Centigrade and moved my hand in the water. After 5 mins I got feeling/needles & pins in my hand. The physio told me they are going to this again.I got a email followed by a telephone call from the manager of the oral department regarding my appointment on Thursday morning. She asked to bring my sling and she advised me that the X-ray might not work. If it doesn't work I will have to go to another hospital.

Monday, September 13, 2010

My Live being Disabled 13/09/10

Yesterday tea-time I cooked a pepperoni pizza in the therapy kitchen. I watched Leeds beat Wigan at the DW stadium.
This morning I did futher investigations into writing my will on-line. I want to go to Nettos this afternoon.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Life being Disabled 12/09/10

Yesterday my sister and her husband visited me from Leeds. I watched two matches of rugby league, Hudderfield v Crusaders(Wrexham) and Hull FC v Hull KR. Hudderfield won the first match 18 - 12 and Hull KR won the second match 21 - 4. I ordered Mulligatawny soup yesterday for dinner but was told there wasn't any. For tea I'm cooking a pizza in the therapy kitchen.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

My Life being Disabled 11/09/10

I watched St Helens beat Warrington last night on Sky. It was the first play-offs in Super League. Today Huddersfield play Crusaders and Hull FC play Hull KR and tomorrow Wigan play Leeds.
This morning I'm going to attempt to stop all the post I get, bank statement, labour party letters, sky post shots etc.. I've found difficult but manage to tell the labour party to stop

Friday, September 10, 2010

My Life being Disabled 10/09/10

At teatime, yesterday, I asked for the comments book because at lunchtime I had asked for Mulligatawny soup but the kitchen told me they havn't any so I had tomato instead. I wanted to comment because there have been serveral times this has happened. Also I enjoyed my tea of sausage, fried egg and tomatoes. I was told the nurse was in charge of the comments book. She came in the dining room and ask me what comments I wanted to make. I told her and the senior carer told me I had been informed that there wasn't any Mulligatawny soup so I shouldn't make a comment. I told I disagreed and I will not make any comments in future.
This morning I had my haircut before I had a shower.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Life being Disabled 09/09/10

Yesterday afternoon my eldest son came to visit me, it was his day/night off. He is the manager of Havana club in Wakefield.
This morning I got a email from Michael Dugher, MP for Barnsley East, it was about the tories disbanding NHS Direct to save money !
I email Barnsley hospital PALS because I received another apponitment for 16/09/10 at 09:00 to make sure everything is sorted out after the last appointment.
I'm considering going to Nettos this afternoon.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Life being Disabled 07/09/10

I went to Morrisons yesterday evening and bought a new toothbrush for my Braun cordless toothbrush, 2 pizzas and two litres bottles of water. This morning when the nurse came to give my bladder wash she could not get through my catheter. She changed my catheter as should be changed on 12/09/10. After breakfast I went on my computer to vote in the Labour party election on-line.

Monday, September 6, 2010

My Life being Disabled 06/09/10

Yesterday I found a site which I could store my will free of charge "TOTALLY FREE WILLS" but it is updating at the moment. So I sent them an email enquiring when they are accepting new users. This morning I buzzed at 08:15, as usual, a carer came and told to wait a couple of minutes but at 08:30 I buzzed again the carers came straight away. This seems to be a regular occurance that the carers don't start work until the have their coffee break 08:00-08:30 !

My blood sugar level was 6.2 this morning. I asked the life skills if I could go to Morrisons because my Braun cordless toothbrush has worn down. They said probably this evening because our mini-bus has gone for repair.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Life being Disabled 05/09/10

Yesterday I watched Hull FC play Leeds on Sky. Leeds won 14-18 it was a good match. Afterwards St Helens played Castleford the final score was 40-30 it was a high scoring match and Castleford lose out because they don't qualify for the play offs but the Crusaders do. This morning I intend to update my will(on line if I can).

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Life being Disabled 04/09/10

Yesterday I asked the life skills if I could go to the Special Meeting of the Labour party on 16/09/10 at 19:00 and they I could go. I also asked if I could make a Chicken Vindaloo and they book me into our residents kitchen on 25/09/10 and I have to go to get the ingredients on 24/09/10. I emailed BT requesting they remove me from their marketing lists.

In the afternoon at 16:30 we set off for Wigan, me and my carer, another resident and the life skills driver. To avoid the traffic around Leeds and Bradford I told the driver to go through Huddersfield and join the M62 after Huddersfield. When joined the M60 the traffic was moving very slow. We joined M61 and came off at junction 5 heading towards Wigan. After Hindley we turn left when we have turned right but eventually we got to the DW stadium at 19:00. We found our parking space and went to the ticket office. I had to change my tickets because the away stand was closed. The other service user had to buy his tickets. I change my tickets but he couldn't buy his because they were sold out.
We went into the stadium and were in the front near the centre. It was a good match but Wigan won 34-12 and after the match Wigan were presented with the cup for winning the Super League. I found later that the crowd was over 17,000. By the we got home it was nearly midnight.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Life being Disabled 02/09/10

On Tuesday lunchtime I felt funny, I don't know what caused it but during lunch the radio was quite loud, there were several carers in the dining room talking and my urine bag needed to be emptied. I think that all this caused me to feel funny. I told the nurse but I went to the toilet to empty my urine bag. When I came back to the dining room I felt a bit better and the nurse took my blood pressure which was O.K. I finished my lunch and the radio had been turned off.

Yesterday I got up at 07:00 because I was going to Barnsley Magistrates Court to observe a general session. It starts at 10:00 but we have leave at 12:00 because our driver/mini-bus is booked for another service user.

Case 1

A man was charged with possesion with intent to supply. There was a doubt with the case over legal aid and it was mentioned that this case might be connect with another case involving murder. So this case was adjouned.

Case 2

A man who pleaded guilty for stealing 2 items from the 99p shop which cost £1.58. He was already on a comminity order and a drugs rehab order. He was fined £100 with costs of £35.

Case 3

A man, from Grimethorpe, was charged with burgalry, damage to a cooker and a broken window with compensation of £735 and costs of £85. When was arrested was tested and found cocaine. In defence his solicitor said although he does not live with his wife and 3 children he supprts them and sees them weekly. This case was adjorned to The Crown Court at Sheffield.

Case 4

A man pleaded guilty to a charge of possesion of Ketamine a Class C drug, was already on caution and a football banning order he was fined £65 with costs of £165.

Case 5

A man was charged with possesion of 6 cannabis plants('more 6 charged with supplying). The plant were not matured but cost £300/plant. The case was adjorned for a probation report.

Case 6

A woman who did not attend because her defence solictor said was on bed rest just out of hospital. This case was adjorned.

Case 7

A man who asked for legal aid but was granted it. The court decided to give legal aid so this case was adjouned.

Case 8

A man who had breach a community order, charged of greviuos bodily harm and drugs offence. He pleaded not guilty for the breach of a community order, the GBH was adjorned for trial at the County Court at Sheffield and the drugs offence he pleaded guilty was also adjouned for trial at the Crown Court at Sheffield.

Case 9

A man who pleaded not guilty to a charge of stealing a mobile phone. This case was adjorned for trial in the Crown Court at Sheffield. When arrested he was tested and cannabis was found. He was already on a drugs rehab order. This case was adjouned for trial at Crown Court in Sheffield and he was given bail.

In the afternoon I received two letter in the post. One from my MP, Michael Dugher, inviting me to a special meeting on the 16/09/10 at 19:00 in Grimethorpe Working Mans Club and the other BT selling Total Broadband. I asked the life skills if I could go to the meeting and they said I could go. I also asked if I could cook a Chicken Vindaloo and they said I could and we'll go and buy the ingrediants on 24/09/10 and cook them the next day.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Life being Disabled 31/08/10

Yesterday I went to Nettos. This morning I asked to speak to life skills again. I order some samples of urine bags from Coloplast. I investigated the role and recruitment of a magistrate because I'm attending for the third time the magistrates court in Barnsley tomorrow. The web site is big and I'll have to read several times before I can apply

Monday, August 30, 2010

My Life being Disabled 30/08/10

This morning I had my blood/sugars taken the reading was 6.7. I asked if the life skill would see me because I would like to cook a Vindaloo and I would like to go to the special meeting on the 16/09/10 at 19:00 in Grimethorpe Working Men's Club organised by Michael Dugher, MP, Barnsley East.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Life being Disabled 29/08/10

Yesterday I complained to PALS at Barnsley Hospital about the service I was given on Friday and the waste of valuable NHS resources. In the afternoon I watched Warrington Wolves thrash Leeds Rhinos 30-6.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Life being Disabled 28/08/10

On Friday I had an appointment with the Oral Section at Barnsley hospital at 14:00. My dentist, at the New Street Dental Clinic, had asked for a consultant to look at my teeth because he wanted to know what they could do. The patient transport came after lunch at 13:15 and we arrived at Barnsley hospital at 13:40. The two consultants looked in mouth but decided I should have a X-ray. They spoke with the radiologist who said I could stay in my wheelchair. I have to be hoisted into another chair which moves around to permit the X-ray machine to take all my mouth. But they have to order the hoist and there is no guarantee that I will fit into this chair !
So they decided to make another appointment for me to bring my own sling to see if I can fit in the chair in their X-ray department. I will get a letter to tell me when my appointment is.

When I got home I had two letters, one from Medtronic with a new card about my Baclofin pump which I must carry at all times because it may set off security systems.
The other letter was from my MP Michael Dugher inviting me to a special meeting of the North East Branch Labour Party on 16/09/10 at 19:00 where Tom Watson MP is the guest speaker.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Life being Disabled 26/08/10

On Sunday afternoon I went to Nettos.

On Wednesday I got up at 07:00 because I was going to Barnsley Magistrates Court. We arrived at 09:30 and asked the receptionist which court there would be a general session ? She told me that Court 1 and Court 2, so I decide to go in Court 1. When we entered I noticed that, again, there was only 1 magistrate. This surprised me for I expected 3 magistrates.

Case 1

Two men accused of Grevious Bodily Harm (GBH) moved to Sheffield Crown Court with Uncoditional Bail.

Case 2

I didn't find anything about this case as it a mix-up.

Case 3

No defendant, bail extended until 21/09/10.

Case 4

Threats of Damage, Case adjouned until 16/09/10, defendant has to stay in Sheffield on bail.

Case 5

Stealing a jacket worth £39 from TK Max pleaded guilty but already on bail so the first man given bail but not allowed in Barnsley Town Centre, this case was adjouned until 15/09/10. The second man was gived 56 days in jail.

Case 6

Damage to property, unknown costs, the man pleaded guilty, unconditional bail, adjouned until 15/09/10. It was reported it was seriuos damage.

Case 7

The defendant spoke little English and spoke Arabic but the interpreter had not attending so this case was postponed until 01/09/10.

Case 8

The man was accused of Actual Bodily Harm was brought in from prison because the condition of previous bail had been broken. He pleaded not guilty but was denied a trial so his case would held on 13/09/10.

Case 9

Two men were accused of stealing 6 cans of hairspray pleaded not guilty and asked to trialled at The County Court.

Case 10

A man accused of stealing two steel gates, pleaded guilty, giving unconditional bail moved to Doncaster Crown Court.

There was a tea break I spoke to the usher who told me in Court 1 is the District Judge.

We moved to Court 2, where there were three magistrates.

Case 11

Man was charged growing cannabis, he pleaded guilty and wa given 12 months community order.

Case 12

Man charged with stealing, he pleaded guilty, he was given 12 month supervision, 9 months drug rehab. and paid costs of £262.

Case 13

Man charged of holding drugs, he was already on probation, given 12 months community order, 12 months supervision order, 9 months drugs rehab. and order to pay £85 costs.

Case 14

Man charged with possesion of cannabis, no plea, the margistrates were told this was too serious so it was passed to the Crown Court. The man was given unconditional bail until 20/10/10.

Case 15

Man charged with possesion of Class B cannibis, report available, 100 hours community work.

In afternoon my nurse spoke to about although my blood sugar levels were O.K. this does not diabetes is good. My pancreas is working overtime and I MUST stop eating snacks like chocolate and biscuits. I said I will cit down on my snacks and we agreed to put this in my care plan.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

My Life being Disabled 22/08/10

Yesterday I watched Crusaders lose to St. Helens at Wrexham. After lunch, today, I want to go to Nettos.

Friday, August 20, 2010

My Life being Disabled 20/08/10

I went to Nettos on Monday afternoon.
On Thursday I got at 07:00 because I was going to Barnsley Margistrates Court to observe a general session because I'm thinking about becoming a magistrate. The court start at 10:00 and I have asked the life skills if we can set off at 09:00. After having a shower, getting dressed and having my breakfast I was ready at 08:45. Life skills came at 09:15 to put me in the minibus. We arrived at the Magistrates Court at 09:45 where I enquired which court I could view the general session. The receptionist told me I could go into Court 1 or Court 3 but in Court 3 there would one trial which would last over 1 day. I decided to go into Court 1 but the usher told us to wait until it was 10:00. He came out at 10:00 and told us to go in and sit at back.

There was 1 magistrate and the first trial was a traffic offence. It concerned a man who had an accident with his van, he was self employed. He pleaded guilty and was fined £160 and 5 points added to his licence.

The second trial was for stealing £4 of jewellery from Primark. He pleaded guilty and the offence was discharged but he was put on probation for 12 months.

The third trial was for not paying fines of £853. Because the man was on benefits he was allowed to pay £10 every 2 weeks.

The fourth trial was for haressment and the man pleaded not guilty so the trial was passed to Sheffield Crown Court.

The fifth trial was for actual bodily harm this was also passed to Sheffield Crown Court.

The sixth trial was for threating behaviour. The person did not speak any English and he had an interpretor. This was also passed to Sheffield Crown Court.

We left but on the way out the usher said we should visit on a Wednesday because it is busier. I have arrange to visit next Wednesday and the usher told us to come early.

Monday, August 16, 2010

My Life being Disabled 16/08/10

Yesterday I asked if I could go to Nettos but my carers were too busy to take me so we agreed I could go this afternoon. I had my chilli con carne but my pitta bread was mouldy. I reviewed my Care Plan the amendments were, check my blood sugar levels are taken every Monday and delete my request to go swimming.
I had my blood sugar levels taken and these were 7.2 which is a bit high.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Life being Disabled 15/08/10

Yesterday I asked for a bacon and tomato sandwich but I was told there was no bacon so I asked for a sausage and tomato sandwich. This morning I got two sausages, two eggs and tomatoes on a plate. For tea today I asked for some of chilli con carne and two slices of my pitta bread both of which are in the freezer in the residents kitchen. This afternoon I want go to Nettos.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Life being Disabled 14/08/10

At Residents Meeting we discussed when the computer room will finished. The project awaing the contractors but home manager is going to chase them up. We discussed the residents kitchen and decided to have a dairy of when it is booked and what they are cooking. The next meeting is on 7th October which is my birthday. The life skills said they will take me out in the evening to an Indian restaurant.
On Thursday afternoon I went to Pinderfields hospital for my baclofin pump filling up. The patient transport came at 12:30, so I missed my lunch, we arrived at 13:00 so we had to wait for a hour and thirty minutes because my appointment was at 14:30. After we went back to Dearnevale. At 16:15 I cooked my pizza for tea.
On Friday morning one of my carers cut my hair. I made Chilli con Carne with 1kgs of mince meat. I had some of it at lunchtime and the rest was frozen for later. In the evening I watched Leeds beats Castleford on Sky.
This morning I had my bladder wash and after my shower I had my breakfast. I stayed in the computer room all morning.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Life being Disabled 12/08/10

I cooked my fish, chips and mushy peas on Tuesday for tea. Yesterday I went to Morrisons for the ingredients for chilli con carne I also bought 2 frozen pizzas. The residents meeting was postponed until 11:00 this morning. I have an appointment to get my baclofin pump top-up at 14:30 this afternoon but I have be ready at 12:30. I'm booked to cook one of my pizzas this tea time. Tomorrow I intend cooking my chilli con carne for lunch.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Life being Disabled 10/08/10

I didn't cook my fish, chips and mushy peas yesterday because the oven had been cleaned so nobody could use it for 24 hours. I bought an expanding file from Nettos at £4. This morning I am going to watch "The Deep" on BBC iPlayer because I missed the first episode last week.

Monday, August 9, 2010

My Life being Disabled 09/08/10

I didn't cook my fish, chips and mushy peas yesterday because the oven was broken. If someone mends it today I will cook them. Warrington beat Catalans easily, so its Leeds v Warrington at Wembley. I want to go to Nettos this afternoon to buy an expanding file at £4. I bought a CD/DVD cleaner from Ebay this morning it was £3.50.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Life being Disabled 08/08/10

Yesterday I discussed with life skills about me becoming a magistrate and we agreed to visit Barnsley Crown Court on 19/08/10 at 14:00. Tomorrow I will phone them to see if there general session and I observe(wheelchair). I watched Leeds beat St Helens 32 -28 and Leeds Utd lose 1 - 2 to Derby County.
This afternoon I am going to watch Warrington v Catalans and cook my fish, chips and mushy peas.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

My Life being Disabled 07/08/10

This morning I checked the requirements to be a magisrate. The first is to visit a general session to observe the proceedings. My nearest court is Barnsley County Court. I've asked to talk this through with the life skills people. This afternoon I intend to watch Leeds v St Helens then Leeds Utd v Derby County.

Friday, August 6, 2010

My Life being Disabled 06/08/10

Yesterday I was told I can use the kitchen to cook fish, chips and mushy peas. I also got a letter from my MP Michael Dugher. This morning I viewed his website and because the residents meeting is next Wednesday I prepared some topics I want to discuss. I bought 100 blank DVDs for £15 on the internet.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Life being Disabled 05/08/10

This morning I had my bladder wash, cleaned my teeth, had a shave and had a shower. After my shower my carer cut my finger nails. I had Weetabix for breakfast and asked my carer if I could cook fish and chips in the residents kitchen. She would ask life skills who are in charge of the residents kitchen. This afternoon I am going to ask if I can go to Nettos. We had an Italian day and at lunch we all gather in the conference room for our lunch. I had spagetti bolognese followed by ice cream. In the afternoon I saw my GP we discussed whether I should take enemas but we decide I shouldn't. Afterwards I went Nettos and then I made a pizza. This consisted a part baked baggette, tomatoe puree, cheese, ham, onions and peppers but although we used the residents kitchen the cook cooked them. They were served for tea. I watched Hunslet and Workington in the evening. Hunslet won so they will be promoted next year.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Life being Disabled 04/08/10

This morning I went to Ferham House because it was the final session of my course in Environmental Awareness. The tutor described their visit to Hockerton, I missed it because I was ill. She reviewed the course then she asked us to fill a questionnaire. She told me that my file was going through to be marked by people in Liverpool. She said once it is marked she will visit me at Dearnevale.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Life being Disabled 03/08/10

On Tuesday I felt rough and after tea I was vomiting so I went to bed. The next morning I was still vomiting so I stayed in bed and I only had water until the nurse gave me some ice-cream at tea time. Later on I had some ginger nuts but these made me vomit again.

On Thursday morning I woke up at 05:30 vomiting, coughing and very hot so I called the nurse. She took my stats and decided to call 999. I can remember getting to Barnsley hospital in the A & E dept at 07:15. At 08:30 my carers changed and at 09:30 my carer left and left me by myself. After being examined by a doctor I was taken for a X-Ray(chest).

At 11:30 I was taken to Ward 18 and left in the corridor where two of my carers found me. But at 12:30 the nurse at Dearnevale nursing home told them to go back home.

At 15:30 I was given a bed in Ward 19. At 18:30 tried to give anti-biotics via a cannula but this didn't work. The night sister changed my cannula at 02:30 but the anti-biotics were too old. They were changed later and I got a lot of anti-biotics. I was told it will be, at least, Monday when I can come to home.

Stayed in bed, bored, I got a card to view TV and make phone calls. To view TV it cost £3.50(rip-off) a day. On Monday the doctor came to take some blood for tests which proved to be O.K. and I discharged but as it was late I still required some transport to take me. At approx 17:00 a private ambulance came to take home. At 17:45 I got home and watch television.

On Tuesday morning I had a bladder wash out, cleaned my teeth, rinse my mouth with peppermint mouthwash, had a shave and had a long shower. After tea, curry and rice, my bowels opened (I can't remember the last time they opened). It was so bad that my wheelchair was blasted and I had to go to bed.

Monday, July 26, 2010

My Life being Disabled 26/07/10

This morning I asked the life skills if I could go to Morrisons. They said I could go on Friday to buy a Pizza and a curry to cook. They said I have not to buy too much because I am taking a lot of room in the freezer ! Also I sent details of my family tree to my sons. It goes back to the early 1800s. I'm still trying to find where my dead body goes because I want to donate it to medical research. So far I've got the website of HTA.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

My Life being Disabled 25/07/10

Yesterday I went to Hull to watch Hull Kingston Rover play Bradford. We set off at 14:00 and arrived at 15:45. After entering the ground I found the disabled section was a bus shelter both for home and away supporters. I had a cup of coffee before the match and a hot dog and a cup of coffee at half time. Bradford lost again, this is the 10th match they've lost on the trot. We got home at 20:45 then I watched TV until 23:00.

Friday, July 23, 2010

My Life being Disabled 23/07/10

Last night I watched Barrow play Halifax on Sky. Halifax won easily. This morning I continued with my policy statement on the Environment for Exemplarhc. Tomorrow I going to Hull to watch Hull KR v Bradford.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Life being Disabled 22/07/10

Yesterday I went to Ferham House to continue with my studies on Environment Awareness. In the afternoon I went to Nettos. For tea I cooked my own fish, chips and mushy peas.
This morning the life skills informed me that I could go to the match between Hull KR and Bradford on Saturday. Hull KR replied to my email and said there policy is that they don't give refunds ! I found the postcode of Hockerton Housing Project for next Wednesday. I continued with my homework for my studies on Environment Awareness.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Life being Disabled 20/07/10

Although I didn't go to the summer fair we made over £1,000. On Sunday I watched Batley beat Widnes in the Northern Rail Cup. I also found out that the match between Hull KR and Bradford has been switched from Sunday to Saturday for Sky !
On Monday we were going to Bridlington and before we set off I asked the Life Skills could they switch the mini-bus from Sunday to Saturday ? They couldn't so I asked them if I could go to The Rugby League Heritage Centre in Huddersfield. They said that would be O.K. We went to Bridlington and as it was lunch time we went to a restaurent. I had fish, chips and mushy peas. The haddock was very big. After lunch we went to the harbour where we had an ice-cream. We sat on the harbour wall where watch youths diving into the sea. We came home and had our tea.
This morning I sent a email to Hull HR asking if I could have a refund ? I also sent an email to the Rugby League Heritage Centre to inform that I was coming on Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

My Life being Disabled 17/07/10

On Thursday morning I was suppose to get my catheter changed because it should be changed every 8 weeks. The nurse on duty decided to change it on Saturday so I had a bladder wash instead. I told the life skills that I wanted to use the kitchen to cook my fish and chips today but I was told I may be allowed to use the resident kitchen some time next week ! In evening I watched Hull FC beat Hull KR.
On Friday I went to Ferham House (headquarters of Exemplarhc) to continue with my studies on Environment Awareness. This week we made some recycled paper. In the evening I watched Warrington beat Wigan.
I had my catheter changed this morning. This afternoon it is our Summer Fair.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Life being Disabled 14/07/10

On Tuesday I asked the senior carer if I could use the residents kitchen tomorrow because on Monday I had bought some frozen fish and chips at Nettos. She said she would ask Life Skills.
On Wednesday morning I went in the computer room to finish my homework and emailed it to my tutor.

Monday, July 12, 2010

My Life being Disabled 12/07/10

I didn't watch the World Cup final but heard this morning that Spain won. After breakfast I went in the computer room. I told my carer that I wanted to see a Life Skills person because I have to pay for my ticket to see Hairspray. The Life Skills came to see me, I paid for my ticket and bought some raffle tickets for the summer fair on Saturday. I also paid £7.50 for my TV licence.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Life being Disabled 11/07/10

Yesterday evening I watched Wakefield play Hull FC. This morning I got up at 08:15 and had a bacon sandwich for my breakfast. I went the computer room did some more work on my project and watched Marcus Brigstocke dicuss the environment on YOUTUBE. I also ask if I could look round the residents kitchen. The key is held by the life skills people and a spare is held by the cleaners. It's fully working now.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Life being Disabled 10/07/10

Yesterday I got up at 07:'30 because I go to Ferham House the headquarters of Exemplarhc at Rotherham for my course on 'Environment Awareness'. It commences at 10:00 and finishes at 12:00 noon. As part of the course Exemplarhc have asked me to produce a policy statement of the position on the environnment. On the back we called at Morrisons because I had to get some money to pay for my ticket to see Hairspray. In the afternoon my nurse had asked me to review my Care Plan. In the evening I watched Hull KR thrash Leeds.
This morning I continued with my homework drafting a policy statement. After lunch, Chicken Madras, I did my excercises and went back to the computer room.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Life being Disabled 08/07/10

On Tuesday evening I became loose but I was O.K. Wednesday morning. I watched 'The State of Origin' where Queensland beat New South Wales. Just before lunch I had diarrhea so I went to bed as I didn't feel so good. I stayed in bed until this morning and only drank water. I couldn't believe it this morning when the nurse gave me some Movicol ! One of the Life Skills team asked me if I wanted to go to see a production of 'Hairspray' at Bradford's Alhambra. I said I wanted to go and the price is £26. At lunchtime, although it's the 8th of July we're having a barbarque to celebrate American Independance Day ?
We had a barbarque outside in the garden but was a bit chilly. Afterwards I did my excercses.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Life being Disabled 06/07/10

Yesterday afternoon while doing my exercises my splint began hurting. I took it off and notice it was digging in my arm. I told one of the physios who told me the physio who can mend my splint was on holiday but he will look at it next week.
This morning when I entered the computer room I found a sparrow flying about. The staff (1 nurse and 3 carers) managed to direct it to the open window. During lunch one of the skills informed me that on 28/07/10 I was going to Hockerton Housing Project as part of my Environment Awareness course.

Monday, July 5, 2010

My Life being Disabled 05/07/10

On Friday afternoon the dentist came and temporary filled my tooth. He explained that he would discuss the problem with Barnsley hospital on Tuesday.
On Sunday I worked on my homework and watched Wimbledon.
On Monday I get my blood/sugar levels taken because I'm diabetic this morning it was 7.4. I got an appointment at Pinderfields hospital to top my Baclofin pump up at 14:30 on 12/08/10.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Life being Disabled 03/07/10

After tea, on Thursday, I told my nurse that I had toothache. She spoke to my dentist and they arrange to visit on Friday afternoon.
On Friday morning I went to Ferham house to attend my classes on Enviroment Awareness. We discussed what our projects could be and we agreed that mine would be A Policy on the Environment for Exemplarhc.
On Saturday I spent the morning in the compter room doing my homework

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Life being Disabled 01/07/10

Yesterday, apart from using the internet and doing my excercises, I sat in the garden because it was very warm and sunny. This morning I finished my homework and email it my tutor. I haven't decided what do this afternoon, it depend on weather.
It got cloudy in the afternoon so I watched a film

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Life being Disabled 29/06/10

On Sunday I went Castleford to watch Bradford, the score was 28 - 22 with Castleford winning the match in the last 10 minutes. In afternoon I watch England lose to Germany in the World Cup. In the evening I watched Warrington lose to Leeds.
On Monday, after tea, we went to Morrisons to get some blank CDs.
This morning I emailed an enquiry to ASHADEGREENER to see if this Nursing Home can get Solar Panels fitted free.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Life being Disabled 26/06/10

Yesterday I went Ferham House to continue with the course I am taking 'Environment Awareness'. We discussed Packaging and we got lots of homework 'To identify an environmental issue that is relevant in my life'. In the afternoon I did my excercises(which I do every day) and watch a film on TV.
I spent most of today doing my homework.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Life being Disabled 24/06/10

The match on Sunday at Castleford will begin at 11:30 to allow fans to watch the other match between England in World Cup. I have informed my carer's. The resident's kitchen now has an electrical fault so we can't use it. I enquired with my bank to see if could stop their paper statements but they said they can't because they must provide it by law.
It quite hot today but not sunny this morning.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My Life being Disabled 23/06/10

Yesterday I cancelled my magazines from Sky, I ordered my tickets from Hull KR and I sat in the garden all afternoon.
This afternoon I intend to watch England(World Cup). I was told yesterday that the pans for the residents kitchen have arrived so I intend to find out if I can use it.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Life being Disabled 22/06/10

Yesterday I was weighed which was 86kgs and my youngest son came to visit and he brought his girlfriend. When he left I noticed he was driving new car. some sort of cabriolet. I had my bladder wash this morning but the nurse gave me both washes at the same time and I by passed. Because I am studying 'Environment Awareness' I am trying to become more GREEN therefore when I go into my shower room these are what I chaned in my routine. I don't keep taps running while I clean my teeth or I get a shave. I try to use aerosols to don't use CFC's. I turn the shower temperture down. I try to shower as quickly as I can.

It is very sunny so I hope to go into the garden this afternoon. But things I want to do first, phone Hull KR to get tickets. Contact all the organiations that send me mail (e.g.Sky) that I do want.

Monday, June 21, 2010

My Life being Disabled 21/06/10

On Saturday I watched the Bulls lose to Warrington on Sky.

On Sunday my eldest came to visit me because it was Father's day then I watched Wigan lose to St. Helen's.

This afternoon I intend to go into the garden because it is sunny. I emailed Hull KR to get some tickets when they play the Bulls on the 25th July. My youngest son is coming to see tonight, he was working yesterday.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Life being Disabled 20/06/10

Yesterday I went to Nettos and I watched Bradford Bulls v Warrington on television. I'm going to Castleford next Sunday. This morning I complained because I usually have bacon and tomato sandwich but our kitchen didn't have any bacon. If it is sunny this afternoon I'm going to sit in our garden.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Life being Disabled 17/06/10

After 4 months approx we have been given access to the internet again. The old computer room was given to the physios and their old room is going to be converted to a computer room. It has taken this long to get our broadband link moved but the new furniture is yet to be delivered.
Yesterday we has a residents meeting and I asked about the new computer room, the new residents kitchen(awaiting pans), going to Bridlington(booked 19/07) and I complained about not getting enough physio. Afterwards it was sunny so I spent the rest of the afternoon in the gardens. It look like it will be sunny this afternnon.