01/12 I used my PC in the morning. In the afternoon I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
02/12 In the morning I used PC and after lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched a movie. Activities came to file my fingernails. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
03/12 I used my PC in the morning. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched movie. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
04/12 This morning I used my PC and I went to the Coffee morning where we had 2 quizzes. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
05/12 I used my PC this morning. I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I used my PC.
06/12 I used my PC in the morning. In the afternoon I used my PC, put my legs up and watched TV. At 1600 my bowels opened and carers changed my pad plus my trousers. After I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
07/12 I got up at 0745 but I should have got up 0700 because I had Dentist appointment at 1100 in the Reginald Centre in Chapel Allerton. After breakfast my transport came at 1000 and we arrived at 1030. I saw the dentist who gave me a filling and sprayed my teeth to protect them. I got home at 1230. After lu I used my PCnch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
08/12 After breakfast I used my PC until 1200 when I had my lunch. After lunch I used my PC until 1345 when my transport came to take me to Pinderfields hospital in Wakefield to have my Baclofin pump filled up. We arrived there at 1420 and went to the Doctors room where a nurse put me on to a bed. The doctor filled my Baclofin pump up and increase it. We came home and arrived at 1600. I used my PC before tea. After tea I used my PC.
09/12 I had my monthly Care Plan review this morning. After I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After I used my PC.
10/12 I used my PC in the morning. I used my PC in the afternoon, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
11/12 I used my PC and was told that the Coffee morning has been postponed until 1500. I emailed Asda because my shower gel Tropical Breeze at 55p for 500ml was change to Relax at 75p for 250ml. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I cleaned my teeth and I used my PC.
12/12 I used my PC in the morning. In the afternoon I used my PC, put my feet, watched TV and rebooted my PC. After tea I used my PC.
13/12 In the morning I used my PC and starting making a CD. After Sunday lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I used my PC.
14/12 I used my PC after waiting for my carpet cleaning because it was soaked after I had a shower. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I used my PC.
15/12 I used my PC in the morning. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched a movie. After I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
16/12 My eldest son came at 1030 and left at 1130. I used my PC before lunch. After lunch I used my PC, put my legs up and watched TV. I didn't have any tea because I felt sick.
17/12 I used my PC in the morning and got my tickets to see Dynamo at 1930 in the First Direct Arena tonight from my safe. After lunch I used my PC, but at 1400 I felt sick and drowsy. My carers told the nurse and I said I wanted to go to bed. Later the nurse asked me if I felt better but I told him no. He told the carer that I didn't want to go to see Dynamo. I stayed in bed all night but I didn't get much sleep.
18/12 I got a new tube of toothpaste from the nurse and I used my PC in the morning. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I used my PC and reset my PC..
19/12 I used my PC and ordered 20 white hankies from Ebay. After lunch I used my PC and at 1430 my bowels opened and my carers changed my pad. I read my new paper book Conqueror by Conn Iggulden. After tea I used my PC.
20/12 In the morning I used my PC and use my PC, put feet up and watched a movie. After tea I used my PC.
21/12 In the morning I used my PC. I used my PC, put my feet and watched TV in the afternoon but I didn't have my tea. I said I want to go to bed.
22/12 I used my PC in the morning. In the afternoon I used my PC, put my feet and watched a movie. After I used my PC.
23/12 I used my PC and I got my hankies from Ebay. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I used my PC.
24/12 I used my PC and asked my carers if they would cut my hair. I had my hair cut 1130. After lunch I used my PC, my bowels opened and my carers changed my pad. I put my feet up and watched TV. At 1630 I used my PC. I went to the Xmas party but it was too noisy and I went to my room.
25/12 Both my sons came to see me in the morning. After Xmas dinner I put my feet up and watched TV. I didn't have any tea and I continued watching TV.
26/12 I used my PC and I put in an order to Asda to be delivered on 30/12 at 1300. After lunch I used my PC, put my legs up and watched a movie but at 1600 I told my carers that my bowels had opened. They told me they hadn't. After tea I finished watching a movie.
27/12 I used my PC in the morning. In the afternoon I used my PC, put my feet and watched a movie. After tea I used my PC.
28/12 In the morning I used my PC. In the afternoon I used my PC, put my feet up and watch TV. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
29/12 I used my PC in the morning before I went to Seacroft hospital for my chest X-Ray at 1345. My transport at 1315 and we arrived at 1340. We went to the X-Ray dept., waited 10 mins and we went to take my coat and my Bradford Bulls shirt off. They took a X-Ray of my chest for my GP. I got dressed and went back into reception to wait for my transport. The transport came at 1530 and we got home at 1600. I went to my room, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
30/12 I used my PC in the morning and I asked Ben, a carer, if he would take me Leeds v Bradford on 24/01 at 1500 - Yes. After lunch I used my PC and starting to change password. I put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I cleaned my teeth and use my PC.
31/12 In the morning I used my PC to change my passwords.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
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