Friday, March 24, 2017

My Life being Disabled March 2017

01/03 I used my PC before meeting with Scott McCaffrey the Operations Support Manager at 1100. We met in the manager's office and discussed my complaints. Scott told me he would send me a summary of the meeting by 10/03. I went back to my room and open my post. I got a letter from the Co-op bank asking me send them a copy of the newspaper cutting of Bradford Bulls have been liquidated. After Brunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched a movie. After tea I used my PC and I sorted my CD's out.
02/03 I didn't get up until 0930 because the carers had to get other Service User up first. After my shower and breakfast I used my PC. I got a phone from the Bulls Golden Gamble telling me their phone number. I bought from Westminster A NUMIS Proof First to commemorate Her Majesty the Queen Sapphire Jubilee. After lunch I used my PC, put feet up and watched a movie. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used PC.
03/03 I used my PC and order The 1977 Silver Jubilee Silver Crown from Westminster. At 1130 I went to our lounge for the Coffee Morning where we had coffee, cake and 2 quizzes. I came back and used my PC. After lunch I used my PC, Activities came and filed my finger nails. Later I put my feet up and watch a movie until 1620 when my bowels opened. I called my carers who changed my pad. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
04/03 After my bladder wash I noticed that my Catheter was by-passing. I cleaned, shave and showered. I told the nurse who changed my Catheter. After breakfast I used my PC to order 3 UK Sapphire Jubilee 5 pound coins from Westminster. After Brunch I used PC, put my feet and watched TV. At 1600 I told the carers I wanted to get changedl. I put my light brown Chinos, my White shirt and my Black shoes because my eldest son is coming at 1830 to take me to Franco's where we are meeting my younger brother at 1900. I used my PC before my eldest son came at 1855. I'd already texted my brother to tell him Andrew was running about 15 minutes late. We got to Franco's at 1915 and met my brother in the bar. A waiter took us to our table and the restaurant was very busy. I ordered a Palma Ham with parmesan shavings, Breast of corn fed Chicken Milanese and Italian ice cream. We finished at 2130 and Andrew took me home. My brother was staying at the Thorpe Park hotel and I agreed to give him a lift. We got home at  2200 and Andrew stayed until 2230.
05/03 I used my PC until 1300 I went to the dining room for Sunday dinner. I complained because the Lamb was too tough and it looked like Mutton. I used my PC, put my feet up and watched a movie. After tea I used my PC and finished watching the movie.
06/03 I got ready to go to Podiatrist as I had an appointment at 1320. I used my PC until 1300 when my transport arrived. It was difficult getting up the ramp and positioning myself the vehicle The driver contact his control to tell them not to allocate this type vehicle anymore. We arrived East Leeds Community Health Centre at 1320 and I reported to the receptionist. I was called in after 5 minutes. The Podiatrist cut my toenails which only took 10 minuetes. I went to waiting room to wait my transport home. A taxi arrived at 1430 to take home. I got put my feet up and used my PC. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
07/03 I used my PC and phoned Laura from Bradford Bulls about the tickets for the Challenge Cup against Featherstone on 18/19 of March. After lunch I tried to fit my disc drive to my PC. At 1530 I asked the senior carer if a carer would move my sling because it's blocking my view of my TV. I used my PC and started watching a movie. After tea I used my PC to continue watching the movie.
08/03 I got my result of my Bowel screening and it was normal. I used my PC and watched a movie. The Wheelchair repair man came at 1215 at fixed my control knob but he's going to come back with a new cover. After Brunch I used my PC and finished watching the movie. At 1430 I put my feet up and watched TV. At 1620 my bowels opened and I told a carer who changed my pad. After tea I used my PC.
09/03 I used my PC to watched a movie in the morning. After lunch I used my PC to finish watching the movie, put my feet up and watched TV. Before tea I started putting 'onedrive' on my PC. After tea I finished putting 'onedrive' on my PC.
10/03 I opened several letters this morning and 1 from Experian asked me my net pension. I emailed btpensions to ask them. After lunch I had to go to the TV lounge because the electricians were working in  my room. After tea I worked on my PC.
11/03 I used my PC in the morning. After Brunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I used my PC.
12/03 I got ready to go to Odsal where Bradford were playing Batley. My driver/carer came for ma at 1140 and we went to Tesco's to get some Diesel. We went to Bradford calling at a Petrol station because I wanted some cash. We arrived at Odsal in the Southbank Centre at 1245. We were sat at table 1 and the meal of Roast Beef, Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes and seasonal vegetables with gravy were served at 1330. After some old players were introduced. For dessert we had Raspberry Cheesecake. After we had a 20 question quiz. We took our place inside and watched the match. At half time it was 18 - 18 but in the second half it was all Bradford winning 44 - 22. We came home and I ordered a 11' Chilli Pizza and Chocolate Fudge Cake from Sopranos.
13/03 I phoned Bradford Bulls Commercial to order 2 Hospitality packages for the Challenge Cup next Sunday where the Bulls are playing Featherstone. I used my PC and carer did my property before lunch. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. I ordered 10 packets of Jakemans. After tea I used my PC but my fibre broadband was disconnected. I restarted it and cleaned my teeth.
14/03 I couldn't get up because both shower slings were in the laundry. While I was getting dressed a carer pushed my stereo on the floor and it doesn't work. After breakfast I used my PC and started watching a movie. After Brunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched a movie. After I watched TV. After tea I used my PC, started watching a movie and cleaned my teeth.
15/03 I took my car keys to the reception because Wakefield VW Vans were coming at 1100 to check why an Orange light kept coming on in my Speedometer ? I tidied my large drawer in my desk. I used my PC before I went to lunch. I used my PC. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I used my PC and cleaned my teeth.
16/03 I phoned JCT600 Wakefield VW vans this morning to find out what's happening with my car. They said Paul's dealing and he will ring me. I used my PC. Paul phoned to tell me they've found a fault with wiring and they will return it tomorrow. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I used my PC, watched more of the movie and cleaned my teeth.
17/03 I was shocked when I read my bank account to find I had been credited 1,045 pounds which I paid to Bradford Bulls for 2 season tickets in the Southbank Centre before they were liquidised. I phoned JCT600 VW vans at Wakefield to ask if my car was ready. They told me it'll be ready after the weekend ! I told them I was going to Bradford v Featherstone on 19/03 at Odsal in the Southbank Centre costing 34.95 each. They said they will pass this to Motability. Motability phoned asking what my requirement were to go to Odsal on Sunday by Taxi but my requirements meant it would take Motability more than 2 days to organise. We agreed that Motability should pay for my tickets. I texted Barrie to tell him we couldn't go on Sunday. After lunch I used my PC and Motability phoned saying was I happy with the outcome I said NO. I put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I used my little PC and my big PC.
18/03In the morning my bladder wash didn't go through and my nurse changed my Catheter. I used my PC. After Brunch I used my PC until 1620 when my Bowels opened and my carers changed my pad. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
19/03 I used my PC before Sunday dinner. After I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
20/03 I tried to ask Sophie if she was taking me to Oldham. I ask Kirsty on Activities who told me Sophie's on leave this week. Kirsty's going to try to contact Sophie who's going to take me to Oldham on 02/04. I used my PC before lunch. After I told the senior carer that my wheelchair control arm(left) was loose. She was going to put it in the Handyman's book. I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
21/03 While I was waiting for transport to take me to Pinderfields to get my Baclofin pump filled I tried phoning Oldham to buy tickets for Oldham v Bradford on 02/04 but I didn't get through. I used my PC. At 1300 my transport arrived and we got there at 1345 which was the time of my appointment. I went to see the doctor but my bowels had opened. The carers changed my pad before the doctor filled my Baclofin pump up. I went into waiting room to wait for my transport. It came at 1545 and we got home at 1630. The carer put my Asda shopping away and I noticed my Jakemans Cherry Menthol Lozenges were missing. After tea I used my PC to email Asda.
22/03 I phoned Motability to complain that my Motability car had been in JCT600 VW Vans at Wakefield since last Wednesday 15/03. They are dealing. I texted my eldest son to find out whether he's taking me to Oldham on 02/04. I used my PC to email Asda to complain that my home delivery was missing 8 packets of Jakemans Menthol Lozenges. After lunch I used my PC until 1500 I went to the Activity room where Zoolab gave a demonstration of Tortoises, Lizards and Snakes. Motability phoned to tell me that JCT600 VW vans are bringing my car back tomorrow. My eldest son texted me to tell me he won't be taking to Oldham 02/04. After tea I prepared for the Care Plan Monthly Review, I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
23/03 I prepared for my Care Plan Monthly Review. I used my PC and ordered Leon Pryce's book 'Pryceless' from Worldplay. My car returned from JCT600 VW vans at Wakefield after a week faulting an electrical fault. After lunch I used my PC and at 1400 I had my monthly Care Plan review with the Senior Nurse where we discussed my complaints. After I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV before tea. After I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
24/03 This morning it was 1230 when I finished my breakfast because all my slings were in the laundry. I complained to Linda, our nurse and deputy manager. The manager apologised. Before lunch I used my PC. After I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I used my PC to put an advert in The Yorkshire Reporter for a driver/carer and cleaned my teeth.
25/03 I got a cheque from Motability to cover the cost my tickets for the Bradford v Featherstone match last Sunday. I used my PC before Brunch. After Brunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched a movie before tea. After I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
26/03 I woke up at 0930 because I forgot to change my clocks because it's BST. I used my PC before I went to Odsal to watch Bradford v Dewsbury where Bradford won 56 - 18. When I got home I ordered Chicken Nawabi and Garlic Naan from Spice Zone that arrived 10 minutes early. After I used my PC.
27/03 I used my PC and spoke to Oldham about getting Hospitality for Sunday's match. He took my name and told him I was a Wheelchair User with my carer. He told me turn up at 1230 and pay in cash. I sent a complaint to Bradford Bulls about the Southbank Centre can't hear the MC. After lunch I used my PC put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
28/03 I got my Gold Proof Sovereign this morning. I used my PC to watch a movie. After lunch I finished watching the movie and bowels opened. I told the carers who changed my pad. After I put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I used my PC.
29/03 I used my PC before lunch. After I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I started changing my passwords on my PC.
30/03 I used my PC before lunch. After I used my PC, put my feet up and watched a movie. After tea I used my PC.
31/03 I used my PC in the morning and bought 1lb of Jakemans Cherry Lozenges from ebay. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I used my PC and I cleaned my teeth.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

My Life being Disabled Feb 2017

01/02 I used my PC and complained to Just Eat about my meal on Friday 27/01 which was cold. At 1120 I went to see the Continuing Care nurse who did my assessment. She said I had passed. After I used my PC before Brunch. After I used my  PC, put my feet and watched TV before tea. After I used my PC.
02/02 I tried to phone Bradford Bulls to find out if my season tickets are valid but I left a message. I used my PC and sent an email to Emma Rosewarne at the Rugby League to tell that I couldn't talk with someone from Bradford Bulls. After lunch Russell from Bradford Bulls told me I had to pay 200 pounds per season ticket to cover the cost of meals etc.. I paid him via my debit card. I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. At 1625 my bowels opened and my carers changed my pad. They changed my big PC to my small PC. After I used my small PC and cleaned my teeth.
03/02 I went to the Coffee morning in our lounge where we had a quiz. After nch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. I ordered Haddock, Chips and Mushy Peas through Just Eat. After tea I used my PC.
04/02 My eldest son phoned me and he told me he's selling his car. I used my PC and I tried to video phone my youngest son but he didn't answer. I put a bid on ebay for a bottle of Wow after shave. After Brunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. At 1645 my bowels opened and my carers changed my pad. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC
05/02 At 1045 we, Activities driver, Senior . and me went in my car to filled up at Tesco. We went to Craven Road Hull to watched Hull KR v Bradford. I booked 3 packages in the SJS Flooring 1881 Suite. We went to the suite and I had to go in small lift. We were taken to our table with 2 other people. After an ex-player gave a speech we had Leek and Potato Soup, Braising Beef, roast potatoes and season vegetables followed Belgian Chocolate Fudge with Cream and Chocolate. I went to the viewing gallery to watch the match. Hull KR won easily 54 - 24. We came home after the match. We got home at 1845 and I ordered a 11" Chilli Pizza from Soprano's which arrived at 2000. I complained and was advised to inform Datman LTD in the morning.
06/02 I phoned Datman LTD and complained about Soprano's. I used my PC before lunch. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. At 1630 my bowels opened and my carers changed my pad. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
07/02 I used my PC and ordered a 100ml of Wow aftershave from Amazon. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
08/02 I used my PC and I got my HC2 form that expires on 17/01/18. After Brunch I tried to get my printer working. I put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
09/02 I used my PC, I got a text from the Co-op bank telling me about Planned Work over the weekend. I put my Tablet for sale on Ebay. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
10/02 I used my PC and I texted my eldest about taking me to Swindon next Sunday. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched Hull KR v Bradford and a movie on my PC. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
11/02 I phoned my eldest but he was rtnr, I used my PC and video phoned my youngest son via Facebook but it was terrible line. I phoned him back at 1130 and the connection was OK. After Brunch I used my PC but my bowels opened and my carers changed my pad. After I put my feet up and watched my TV. After tea I used my PC.
13/02 I used my PC in the morning and got a bottle of Wow after shave from Amazon. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. At 1615 my bowels opened and my carers changed my pad. After tea I used my PC.
14/02 I used my PC and sent an email to Rob Parker of Swinton Lions asking about tickets. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
15/02 I phoned Wheelchair Repair to report my right foot rest keeps moving up. They are coming on Friday but they will ring me on Thursday to tell me what time. I phoned the Co-op bank to find  out if their Disputes department is dealing with my claim, yes they got it on 08/02. I used my PC before lunch. After I used my PC and messaged Bradford Bulls asking what were the winning numbers for the Golden Gamble. I put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
16/02 Sent another email to Laura of VIP Matchdays inquiring whether Wheelchair Users can use their Hospitality packages at Old Trafford. m After lunch I read an email from Laura Miller asking me to phone her. I did but she was RTNR. I put my feet up and watched TV.
17/02 I phoned Laura at VIPMATCHES and gave her my details because she's going to send me a booking form for The Grand Final at Old Trafford on 07/10. I got a reminder to test my bowels that I gave to the nurse. I asked Micheala and she said it's in the nurses station. I used my PC before lunch. After I used my PC and I signed the booking from VIPMATCHES, put my feet up and watched TV. After I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
18/02 I used my big PC to send a copy of the booking form to my eldest son. I used my little PC before Brunch. After I used my big PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I cleaned my teeth and used my PC.
19/02 I used my big PC before eldest son came at 1250. We went to Sale FC to watch Swinton v Bradford. It took a hour, we set off at 1300 and we got there at 1400 but the was old with an old stand with seating for about 1k. We went in the front of the stand about half way until my bag was full . We went to the Disabled Toilets but there was a step before the entrance and used a grate outside. We went behind the post outside the Hospitality building that I couldn't use for the steps. At half time Bradford had scored 4 tries and Swinton had scored 2. We had Beef pie, chips and mushy peas. The final score was 28 - 35. We got home at 1815. I had an Orange warning light on my Speedometer. I ordered a Chilli 11' Pizza and a Chocolate Fudge Cake from Soprano's.
20/02 I phoned Wakefield VW Sandal Motors  to report the warning light on my VW and they gave me an appointment for 15/03 when they will pick my car up at 1100. I used my PC before lunch. After I used my PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After I sent Barrie a text asking him to take me to Odsal on 26/02 at 1130. I used my PC.
21/02 I used my PC and I sent Barrie my driver a list of home fixtures that I want him to take me to. I used my small PC to try Windows Media but it didn't work. After lunch I used my big PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I used both PC's and cleaned my teeth.
22/02 I got a report from BT Pension this morning. I used my big PC and my little PC to burn a CD. After Brunch I used my little PC and my big PC, put my feet up and watched TV. After tea I found out my disc drive on my little PC was faulty. I cleaned my teeth and used my big PC.
23/02 I used my PC and I emailed an update of my complaints to Rachael the manager. After lunch I used my PC, ordered an external disc drive from ebay and watched 2 movies on my PC. After tea I used my PC.
24/02 I used my PC until 1200 when I went to the lounge for Coffee Morning after we had a quiz. After lunch I used my PC, put my feet up and watched a movie on my PC. At 1615 my bowels opened and I told a carer who changed my pad. I used my PC and cleaned my teeth.
25/02 My bladder wash failed the nurse sprayed all over me because she said it wouldn't go through. I used my PC and I tried videophoning my youngest son but he was RTNR. After Brunch I used my PC and watched a movie on it. After tea I finished watching the movie and cleaned my teeth.
26/02 I used my PC before Barrie my driver came at 1135. We got to Odsal at 1240. Barrie took my car down to Southbank Centre where I got and waited in dining room while Barrie parked my car. We were on table 1 right next to the viewing window. At 1300 Stuart Duffy introduced himself and told us the format of the afternoon, 1st team players, meal served at 1330, guest speaker Andy Gregory, dessert, a quiz 10 questions Rugby League and 10 questions of General Knowledge. watched 1st half, tea/coffee and entertainment, watch the 2nd half, man of the match, coaches view and entertainment. We had Honey Roast Ham with new potatoes, carrots, broccoli and gravy followed by 4 layers of Chocolate Fudge Cake with Ice Cream and Cream. Andy Gregory's speech lasted 10 minutes.  We had the quiz but it was hard and we only got 3 question right.
We watched the match inside because it was raining. Toulouse scored first but Bradford scored 4 tries in the first half. In the second half Toulouse were the strongest with final score 29 - 22 to Bradford. We left just after 1700.           
When I got home I order Chicken Nawabi Khan with Garlic Naan from Spicy Chicken via Just Eat.which was suppose to be delivered at 1855 but it came 1920. After I went to my room and used my PC.      
27/02 I had an appointment with the Podiatrist at 1140 this morning but my carers told me nobody had booked my transport. Admin phoned the Podiatrist to book another appointment which is 06/03 at 1320 with transport. I complained to the manager. I used my PC before lunch. After I used my PC to write my report to the RFL about my visit to Odsal yesterday. At 1500 I went to watch a magician called Paul. His act lasted 40 minutes. I used my PC until it was tea time. After tea I cleaned my teeth and use my PC.  
28/02 I used my PC and checked that my pension had been paid into my bank account. I changed my passwords. After lunch I texted my oldest son to make sure he was taking me to Franco's on Saturday at 1830 because I've booked a table for 1900 where my brother, Peter, is meeting us. I put my feet up and watched TV. At 1615 my bowels opened and my carers changed my pad. After tea I used my PC.