Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Life being Disabled 08/01/11

Yesterday afternoon I forgot to phone the NHS helpline to get a HC1 form. After my exercises I read my book which the third one in the Millenium series by Stieg Larrson which I've nearly finished.
This morning I had a bladder wash, a shower and got dressed. I heard on the news that the government are trying to reduce benefits to disabled people by changing the Disabled Living Allowance and removing the mobility allowance for people who live residential homes.
After breakfast I went the computer room and read some of this bulletin and discovered it will apply to me.

Yesterday afternoon I forgot to phone the NHS helpline to get a HC1 form because mine runs out in February. After I finished my exercises I started to read my book which I've nearly finished.
This morning I had a bladder wash, go a shower and got dressed. I heard on the news that the government are trying to reduce benefits to disabled peolpe by changing Disabled Living Allowance and stopping Mobility Allowance for people who live in residential homes. After breakfast I went in the computer.

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