Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Life being Disabled 14/12/10

Yesterday morning my blood/sugar level was 8.3. At 10:40 we went out to our mini-bus because a lot of resident were going to Priory Campus to have our Xmas lunch. I was on the first run and we had another mini-bus as well. We got there at 11:10 and sat in the foyer while other residents came. Roundabout 12:00 we went in the community hall to get our places for lunch. I think that the mini-buses had to make 5 trips to get all the residents there.
At 13:15 our Xmas lunch was served, turkey, roast potatoes, carrots, brussel sprouts and seasoning. A big plate full which I eat it all. We were served with Xmas pudding and coffee. Afterwards we played bingo and had a karaoke. Because I was one of the first to arrive I was one of the first to go home. I got back at 15:00 and had a coffee.
Later on I got two Xmas cards one from my wife and one from my sister. I also got a letter to tell me I have got an appointment to measure me for a new moulded seat at 14:00 on 22/12/10 and I must be ready at 11:00. The nurse on nights ask me to review my Care plan and let her know if I want to change anything.

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