Friday, January 28, 2011

My Life being Disabled 28/01/11

After lunch I had to get out the wheel/armchair I had borrowed in morning because my moulded wheelchair was broken. I sat on a beanbag on my bedroom floor. I sat watching television and reading my new book. It's called 'The Snowman' by Jo Nesbo. The engineer never called so I stayed in my bedroom until 17:40 when the carers brought me another wheel/armchair to borrow. I had my soup(tomato) but I was sick. I left my soup and my coffee and retuned to my bedroom. I went to bed at 22:15 but I was feeling funny. I watched television all night and didn't go to sleep. I had two paracetomols but felt as if I was having a panic attacks
This morning at about 07:00 I had an other and asked the day nurse to tell the doctor. She phoned him and he said he will come after morning surgery which finish at 11:00.

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