Thursday, February 27, 2014

My Life being Disabled 26/02/14

Yesterday I logged off at 17:30, I put my feet up and watched TV. At 18:30 I was sick and my temperature was 38.2 'C. I told the nurse that I wanted go to bed. I woke up at 04:00 because I was freezing. The nurse put my continental quilt on and closed my windows.
This morning I woke up at 06:00 and watched TV until 08:15 when  I asked a carer if I could get up. I cleaned my teeth, shaved, showered and got dressed. I went to the dining room and had breakfast. I went to my room and logged on at 10:30. At 12:00 my eldest son phoned to tell me he was coming after lunch. I had Mulligatawny soup lunch. I went my room and came with his girlfriend. Shortly afterwards the manager came but she left while Andrew was here. They left at 14:00 and I went see Skill who were providing 2 photos to send to my brother. We downstairs to photocopy them. Andrew was in the manager office. When I'd finished taking my photos I went to see the manager. I gave everything to her to forward to my brother. I went to my room, put my feet up and watched television. I only had ice cream for tea. I went to my room,cleaned my teeth and logged off at 17:00.

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