Thursday, August 1, 2013

My Life being Disabled 31/07/13

Yesterday I logged off at 17:45, I put my feet up and watched television. At 23:00 I asked a carer if I could go to bed.
This morning I woke up at 07;00 and watched television until 08:15 when I asked a carer could I get up. I told her my bowels had opened and the carers cleaned me. I cleaned my teeth, shaved, showered and got dressed. I went to the dining room and had breakfast. I went to my room and logged on at 11;00. I started changing my passwords. I had Mulligatawny soup for lunch. I went to my room and carried on  changing my passwords. At 13:50 the nurse told me my yearly Care Plan that involves the NHS and my Social Care worker from Wakefield are having their meeting in training room. I went in and around the table there was Carol Sullivan, my Social Care worker, a man from the NHS, the manager of Dearnevale, her deputy, a skills rep., two nurses, the physio, plus her assistant, my eldest son and me. We went the yearly Care Plan which took about 1 hour. The NHS guy took notes which I have sign when I get them. I asked my son to look at my big laptop which took with him. I stayed my room and watched television. At 16:25 I went to the dining room and I had Omelette, baked beans plus ice cream. I went to my room, cleaned my teeth and logged off at `18:00.

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