Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Life being Disabled 03/02/11

I continued breathing into a paper bag everytime I felt I was going to have a panic attack. The nurse told I had an appointment with the doctor at 15:15. My son texted me to say he was coming over at 13:00. He came at 13:15 we were talking and watching the television. At about 13:45 the domestics came in and started cleaning. I started with a panic attack and used a paper bag to breath in. It continued but my son went and after about 15 minutes I was O.K.
At 14:50 we set off to the doctors when we got there we found out that his surgery is not wheelchair user friendly. I couldn't go in and the doctor wasn't there. We waited in our minibus but at 15:30 we decided to go home. The nurse said she would contact the doctor again.
Later on the nurse told me the doctor had prescibed some medicine which I have take three times a day.
After tea I asked my carer if she would check my pad because I thought my bowels had opened. She told me that they were going to put me in the wheel/arm anyway and I said put me in bed. I watched television but I feel asleep at 18:30. I woke up at 20:15 when the nurse came in and brought my medicine. I stayed awake until 22:00 then I fell asleep again. I woke up at 04:20 when the carers came to check on my night bag. I fell asleep again until 06:00 and watched a film.
This morning my carers and my nurse discovered my lips were swollen and I had a rash. Today it is Chinese New Year the year of the Rabbit and we are going to have a Chinese lunch. Also we're going to Leeds Millium Square to celebrate this on Sunday.

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