Monday, February 21, 2011

My Life being Disabled 21/02/11

On Saturday afternoon I did my exercises, watched television and read my book. After tea I watched television but went to bed at 21:00. I must have fallen to sleep because I missed The Tudors.
I woke up at 06:30 and watched the television until 08:15. I called for a carer and asked to get up and turn my radiator on. I cleaned my teeth, shaved, showered and got dressed. I had my breakfast and went to the computer room. I logged on to Ubumtu and watched The Tudors, Live at the Apollo, Aunt ..... the nurse. I had my lunch and went to my room. I tried to exercise but my arm felt stiff and I couldn't lift it. I decided to rest it. I watched television and finished my book called The Snowman by Jo Nesbo. I had soup again at tea because there were no skills on duty today. After tea I watched television until 22:30 and went to bed.
This morning I woke when my alarm souded but it was only 06:00 and I forgot to change my Monday alarm to 08:15. Last week I went to my doctors and had to get up at 06:00. I watched the television until 08:15. I got up, cleaned my teeth, shaved, showered and got dressed. The carers changed my urine bag from a syphon which holds 750 mls to a knee bag which holds 1500 mls. I was put into my manual wheelchair because I was going to the dentist at 12:45. I went into the dining room and told the carer that I had to get my blood/sugar level taken. The nurse came and took my blood/sugar level which was 6.1. I went to the computer room after my breakfast.

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