Sunday, November 18, 2012

My Life being Disabled 16/11/12 and 17/11/12

Last night I went to bed at 22:30 in the Royal Hallamshire hospital. I didn't get a air mattress and didn't sleep much. I woke at 02:00 and watched television until 07:00 when I asked the nurse for some pain relief. At 08:00 I stopped drinking water because I was supposed to go the Operating Theatre at 10:00. At 11:00 the anethetist came and told me I would going at 14:00 and could drink until noon. At 14:15 I was taken to the Operating Theatre and put to sleep with a General Anethesic. I came round at 16:30 and was told by the surgeon that they left a bit of tooth in my upper set and took 3 teeth out of my lower set. I was taken back to the ward and asked if I wanted some soup. At 18:30 I was given Tomato soup and ice cream. I paid for another night of television and watched Children in Need with no problems. I didn't sleep at all and had a lot painkillers through the night. I had breakfast at 08:30, Orange juice and porridge. The ward manager came to tell me they were trying to get Patient Transport to take me home. I had Macroni Cheese for lunch. At 16:30 the ward manager came to me Patient Transport couldn't take me home. I asked the ward manager to phone Dearnevale to see if they would take home but they were busy. After lot of negotiating the ward manager phone for a taxi that I would take me home. It came at 17:00 and arrived back via Asda to get some money at 18:00.

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