Wednesday, November 27, 2013

My Life being Disabled 27/11/13

Yesterday I logged off at 17:30, I put my feet up and watched television. At 22:15 I asked a carer if I could to bed.
This morning I woke up at 07:30 and watched television until 08:15 when I asked a carer if I could get up. I cleaned my teeth, shaved, showered, changed my siphon bag to a leg bag and got dressed. I went to the dining room and had 2 Weetabix for breakfast. I went to my room and logged on at 11:00. My catheter stated by passing and I asked the carers to investigate. They sorted it out but had to changed my jogging pants. At 11:30 I went to the dining and had Mulligatawny soup. I'd taken my coat with me to wait for my transport to arrive to take my Barnsley Hospital for my 13:45 appointment with Audiologist to fix my right hearing aid. My transport arrived at 13:15 and we arrived there at 13:40. The audiologist prescribe a gromim et to fix my hearing aid into. We went to patient transport and told control we were ready to go home. At 14:15 our transport came and we got home at 14:45. i went to my room and watched television. I had 2 slices of burnt pizza and ice cream for tea. I went to my room, cleaned my teeth and logged off at 18:00.

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