Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Life being Disabled 11/04/13

Yesterday I logged off at 19:00, I put my feet up and watched television. At 21:30 I asked a carer if I could go to bed.
This morning I woke up at 05:00 and watched television until 08:15 and told a carer I was ready for my bladder wash. I asked the nurse if a carer would sort my wardrobe out. She told me the senior nurse is going to review my Care Plan tonight. I cleaned my teeth, shaved, showered, change my siphon bag and got dressed. I couldn't put my compression stocking on because I didn't have one. I went to the dining room and had breakfast. I went to my bedroom and started to tune my new CD/Radio but the post came. I had one letter from my wife to prove that I am disabled and one from the NHS about my Care Plan annual review on the 29/04/13 at 10:30. At 12:30 I went to the dining room and had Beef Stogganoff and rice for lunch. I went to my room and reviewed my Care Plan. At 13:50 I went to the training room to see Alan Turner but on the way to carers told me his shows cancelled. He will be coming next Friday. I went to see Skills to tell them I've got details of my Disability Living Allowance but they said I must give it to their leader. When she appears they'll tell her. I saw the Senior Carer and asked her to sort out my wardrobe but she said somebody will help me maybe tomorrow. I went to my room and read some of my book Paul O'Grady Still Standing. I had Cornish Pastry, baked beans, a potato wafflie and ice creme for tea. I went to my room, cleaned my teeth and logged at 17:00.

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