Monday, April 29, 2013

My Life being Disabled 29/04/13

Yesterday a carer shut my computer off because I felt funny and my blood pressure was high at 17:00. I put my feet up and watched television. At 21:30 I asked a carer if I could go to bed.
This morning I woke up and watched television until 08:15 when I asked a carer if I could get up. I cleaned my teeth but my electric toothbrush was flat and I used my old toothbrush, shaved, showered and got dressed. I put my new Chinos and a new shirt because I was having my yearly NHS Funded Nursing Care Review with Sue Robson at 10:30. I went to the dining room and had breakfast. I stayed in the dining room waiting for Sue Robson until 11:00 when the nurse told me that the meeting has been cancelled. I went t my room and logged on 11:45. I had Pasta Bake for lunch. I went to my room and watched television until 14:30 when I decided to go to Asda. I bought a packet of Ibuprofen, a bottle of Balsam, a bottle of shower get and 6 Indian snacks. I came home, unpacked shopping and told the carers that my bowels had opened. I had Mulligatawny soup and ice cream for my tea. I went to my room, cleaned my teeth and logged off at 17:30.

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