Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Life being Disabled 11/05/11

Yesterday I logged out from the computer room at 12:30 and I went to the dining room to have lunch. I went to my room to watch the television and exercised(x2). I asked the carer if I could go to Netto's. When I finished my exercised I asked the if I could go to Netto's but she said they were very busy and they will take at 15:30. We went to Netto's and I bought some Ginger biscuits, two cans of Chilli con Carne, a can of mince beef with onions, a packet of jelly babies and a packet of fruits pastilles. I was going to buy some Pringles Sour Cream but there wasn't any and I didn't ask anyone because it was very busy. We came home and I read my book until tea time. After tea I went to my room, put my feet up and watched television. At 22:30 I told the carers I wanted to go to bed.
This morning I woke up 06:45 watched television until 08:15 when I asked the carers if I could get up. I cleaned my teeth, shaved, showered and got dressed. I went to the dining room and had my breakfast. I went to the computer room and logged on at 09:42. A carer brought me a parcel from M & S while I was in the computer room.

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