Thursday, March 15, 2012

My Life being Disabled 15/03/12

Yesterday I put my feet up and watched the television. At 21:19 my bowels opened and I told a carer that I wanted to go to bed.
This morning I woke up at 04:00 and watched television until I told a carer I was ready for my bladder wash. I cleaned my teeth, shaved, showered, changed my siphon bag and got dressed. I went to the dining room and had breakfast. I asked the nurse to put that I would to go to Leeds shopping in the skills book. I went to my room, set my shredder up and logged on at 11:30. At 12:10 the handyman came to PAT my shredder. I had Mulligatawny soup for lunch. I went to my room and cleaned my teeth. At 13:54 I went to the training room because 'Double Tee' were performing. The show lasted until 15:30 and I went to my room. I had bacon and fried egg plus ice cream for tea. I went to my room and cleaned my teeth. I started working on my computer but at 18:30 my bowels opened and I told a carer. They hoisted me up and put me on my bed but my sling was covered ! I couldn't use mysling I went to bed. They were going to wash my sling overnight.

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