Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Life being Disabled 22/11/11

Yesterday I went to my room at 17:30 and cleaned my teeth. I put my feet up and watched the television. At 22:35 I asked a carer if I could go to bed.
This morning I woke up at 05:30 and watched the television until 06:35 when I asked a carer to put my heating on. I asked him to tell the nurse that I ready for my Enema. The nurse arrived at 07:15 and inserted my Enema. At 08:15 the day nurse came and gave my bladder wash. After I asked a carer to put me on the toilet but she told me my bowels had opened already. I cleaned my teeth, shaved, showered, changed my siphon bag and got dressed. I went to the dining room and had my breakfast. I went to the computer room and logged on at 10:40. I checked on the Toshiba web and that my computer is waiting for a part. I tried working on my vision2learn project but this computer does not work when using Word. I went to my room at 11:30 to watched the television and to exercise. I had braised sausages, mashed potatoes, carrots and mushy peas for lunch. I went to the computer room and went to my room at 13:15. I cleaned my teeth, watched the television and exercised(x1). I finished reading my book "The Red Queen" and went to the computer room. I logged out at 16:10 and went to my room.

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