Saturday, November 26, 2011

My Life being Disabled 26/11/11

Yesterday I went to my room at 17:15 and cleaned my teeth. I put my feet up and watched the television. At 20:30 the nurse came to review my Care Plan. We agreed that I insert one about having Mulligatawny soup most days and she'll tell the kitchen. We agreed to stop taking Enemas. She'll rebrief the staff about knoncking on my door before entering and I need a new plan because I've got a new hoist. I asked her to give me a new copy. At 21:15 my bowels opened so I told a carer and said I will go to bed.
This morning I woke at 06:00 and watched the television until 08:15 when the nurse came in to give me a bladder wash. After I got up, cleaned my teeth, shaved, showered, changed my siphon bag and got dressed. I went to the dining room and had my breakfast. The nurse told me there is a coffee afternoon in our dining room at 14:00. I went to the computer room and logged at 10:36. I went my room at 12:00 to watched the television and to exercise. I had Tomato soup although I asked for Mulligatawny soup for lunch. I went to the computer room and to my room at 13:00 where I cleaned my teeth. My bowels opened and I told a carer. They changed my pad and boxer shorts. At 14:00 I went to our dining room to the coffee afternoon organised by the senior nurse. I A caffetiere black coffee and a piece of chocolate cake. I went to my room and sorted out my drawer to my pedesral and went to the computer room. I was going to read my care plan with Social Services but it was dated 2008. I sent an email to the management at Dearnevale regarding the review of the service users guide seeking clarifcation of some points. I went to the dining room for tea at 16:30.

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