Monday, December 5, 2011

My Life being Disabled 05/12/11

Yesterday I went to my room at 17:42 and cleaned my teeth. I put my feet up and watched the television. At 21:00 my bowels opened and I told a carer who said they were busy but they'll deal with me as soon as possible. They came at 21:50 and when they pushed my bed it collapsed. A handyman was working on in the morning. They told me they didn't have another bed but at 22:15 they found one. They put in my bedroom and put me on it. They undressed me and cleaned me but I noticed when I raised my head my feet moved. They put the bed upside down ! They changed it round while I was in the hoist and finally got in at 22:55.
This morning I woke up at 05:30 and watched the television until 08:15 when I called a carer. I told her I wanted to get up. I cleaned my teeth, shaved, showered and got dressed. I went to the dining room and had my breakfast. I went to the computer room and logged on at 10:59. I work on my vision2learn for 30 minutes. I went to my room at 12:00 to watched the television and put my leg weights on. I had pasta bolognese for lunch. I went to the computer room and went to my room at 13:30. I watched the television and exercised(x1). The assistant physio came to stretch my right hand under hot water. After I went to my room where I watched a DVD. I had Mulligatanwny soup and ice cream for my tea. I went to the computer room and logged at 18:00.

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