Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Life being Disabled 08/12/11

Yesterday I went to my room at 18:00 and cleaned my teeth. I put my feet up and watched the television. At 22:45 I asked a carer if I could go to bed. My bowels had opened but I didn't feel it.
This morning I woke up at 05:30 and watched television until 08:15 when I told a carer I was ready for my bladder wash. After I cleaned my teeth, shaved, showered, changed my siphon bag and got dressed. I went to the dining room and had my breakfast. I went to the computer room and logged on at 10:36. I checked with "fatbrain" web site to find out if they wanted to buy 2 hardback books but they didn't. I checked with 3 more but they didn't want to buy them. I went to my room at 11:30 to watched the television and to exercise. I had Cheese, Tomatoe and Onion Quiche with chips and baked beans for lunch. I went to the computer room and went my room at 13:05. I cleanedmy teeth, watched the television and exercised(x2). At 13:50 I went to the training room to attend the Residents Forum. They were reports by Kitchen, Skills and the Handymen. The chef told us we're having a forum to discuss menus on the 14/12/11 at 14:00. The meeting lasted 30 minutes and I went to my room and watched a DVD called "Another Earth". I had a jacket potatoe, baked beans and ice cream for tea. I went to the computer room and logged out at 18:00

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